Would You Go Back?

by Dune 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dune

    Yesterday, my aunt was talking to one of my siblings about how things have been changing in our [ex] congregation for the 'better'.

    She mentioned how a new Circuit Overseer has come in and is shaking things up. The CO appointed a ministerial servant (someone, the PO & secretary didn't like and i know would never have voluntarily suggested appointment) and some of the 'brothers' that have had no 'responsibility' ever are being given #4 talks. She also mentioned that the book study will be cancelled and the meetings are being shortened.

    A ministerial Servant who had a vendetta against some of the elders wants me to talk to a CO and basically tell him i left the congregation [and the religion] because of the incompetence of the elders.

    I'm not talking to the CO and i'm not 'blaming' anyone. Leaving was the best decision I have ever made. I haven't been to a meeting in almost two years, and I can honestly say that I very seldom think about the relgion, i'm living life the way i want to.

    However, in light of all these changes and possibly more to come, have you ever thought about returning to the religion?

  • Velvetann


    I went back in for 7 years after having been disfellowshipped for 10 years. Just because my MOM put the scare/quilt trip on me and convinced me Armageddon was right around the corner and my babies would die. That 7 years was so wasted and unhappy. That was 25 years ago and no Armageddon, my kids are grown up and have kids of their own. I could have ruined their lives and futures too with that depressing religion.

    Finally I know its not the truth and no scare tactic or anything they ever say again will get me back in that Organization/Cult.


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Hell, nah!

  • bigwilly

    Take the blue pill?

    No, there's no way I could plug back in

  • Finally-Free

    There is nothing that could even make me think of going back. I don't need to eat sh*t more than once to know it tastes bad.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    OMG NEVER. I haven't been in a KH in years, couldn't even step foot in one for my uncle's funeral. The changes that are being made by this CO will only be temporary. He's only there for a certain term (3 yrs i think) then a new one will come in with his own ideas and agenda and undo whatever good this CO has done.

  • LockedChaos

    Absolutely NOT!!

    The whitewashed graves
    still contain dead mens bones

    It's all window dressing
    Core dogmas still the same
    False and misleading

    Lipstick on a pig

  • sacolton

    I'm AWAKE!!! Why would I want to SLEEP again?

  • changeling

    Hell no!

    And as for your example: CO's come and go. Some are kind and have the best interests of the brothers at heart. Some are egomanical despots. It's the luck of the draw which kind you'll get.

    changeling :)

  • milliemootoo

    No way, not now I have seen the truth!!!!!!!

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