As a very young child, I used to have high temps and convulsions and "heard voices" because of sicknesses. My mother was convinced that the demons had come into my room and searched with the congregation's help for the culprit---a guitar my overseas dad got me while stationed in Japan. They "burned" it, per the Overseer's instruction and after some meds. the demons were vanquished!
Please Share Your Demon Experiences, Hearsay or Incredible Stories
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I thought my Garbage Pail Kids cards were posessed.
My aunt can look at another Witness' eyes and tell if they're "demonized". Pretty good, huh?
My grandparents had a piano in their den. At odd times during both the day & night, the piano started playing by itself. Even when they walked into the den, they could see the keys moving. The playing would not stop. They called the elders in and they prayed and called out Jehovah's name, but it did not work. They got to thinking what was new in the house, and thought of the new china cabinet they had purchased recently from an estate. The elders got the china cabinet and proceeded to take it outside, as soon as the cabinet was out the door, the piano stopped!
MINIMUS- Years ago, my sister in the late 1960's moved into a duplex apartment with her husband and the landlord was an actual, bonafide witch ! Dark hood, straggly hair, everything ! When they moved into the adjoining apartment next to hers she asked them to put their bed against her wall for security reasons ! ( Personally I think she was just a kinky witch who wanted to hear them have sex ! ) Anyway - weird things started happening. My sister had a plaster paris owl who's eyes would light up at night time and follow you around ! And they would hear footsteps on the roof at night ! Then my sister felt a presence lay down on her at night and try to restrict her breathing ! They had the curtain open one time, and they saw a huge rock strike the glass on the window ! The window didn't break, and there was NO rock outside !
But the final straw came when one night on a full moon, they looked out their window- and saw the old witch looking at the moon out her window dressed in black rocking back and forth chanting something , holding the cross up to the moon ! They decided to move the next day on the weekend ! They had enough of the " spirits", " ghosts " or whatever they were ! And enough of the kinky witch as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Demon activity such as moving objects would mean a transfer of energy from the spirit realm to the physical realm.
This would mean that the demons would be ADDING energy to the universe.
This would be an act of creation (of energy).
Jehovah would allow the demons to do this?
Both from my grandfather...
He reported waking up to clanging sound of pots and pans dropped on the floor. When he got up to investigate, the pots and pans were mysteriously hanging up on their pegs.
As a boy, he remembered his own father being chased home in the dark by a pair of "large, red eyes" that followed him everywhere.
When my sis had a nervous breakdown, she believed the demons were attacking her through all dragon-related clothing. Some of my cool t-shirts were sacrificed as a result. I remember receiving lame shirts as compensation.
The demons like furniture, I guess.
(Deleted post, sorry. posted from my phone & this site won't keep correct formatting. I'll post again when I get to my computer)
[Deep breath... okay, here we go...]
I have seen spirits of all kinds. In February 1998, very soon after I had stated openly seeing and hearing my Lord, I saw two (well, almost two - I did actually see one) in an occurrence I will NEVER forget
I was asleep on the sofa bed (I lived in Sacramento, it was HOT, and there was a breeze in the living room) when I heard my Lord say, "Prostrate yourself before the Most Holy One of Israel." I thought I was dreaming, so I initially ignored the voice. I heard it again, however, and immediately rolled off the sofa bed and onto the floor and pressed my face into the carpet (yes, ouch!). I could not look up, I think not even if I wanted to. I just stayed there, prostrate on the floor, face pressed into the carpet.
After a few seconds, a "presence" crossed in front of me: it came down from the hallway to my left... passed in front of me... and continued to my right... then back again. It did this three times. Then my Lord said, "Now, you have come to be known by the Most Holy One of Israel. Rise up." I responded, "Oh, no, I'll stay right here!" I didn't want to get up because I thought it was some kind of trick or test: like, I would get up, look up... and somehow be... well, blinded or something (this is before I truly got to know them)! I don't know... all I know is every fiber of my being said don't get up!
He said to me again, "Rise up," and so I said, "No, Lord, because this might be a trick or a test, and I'll get up and look, and maybe lose my eyesight or something." Seriously. Truly. I was serious: nothing like this had ever happened to be before and I was not taking this as a joke. He then said, "You may rise, child, and return to your bed." Well, I think we went back and forth another couple times befored I trusted the situation... and myself... enough to get up. But... I did not open my eyes. I climbed back onto the sofa bed with my eyes tightly shut, and then got under the covers before opening them. (I know, I know... it all sounds silly, but I am speaking the truth!)
After a minute or so, I slowly opened my eyes and WOWWEEE!!! Standing there in front of me was the Adversary... truly... and he came at me like, like I don't know what! Like something attacking! My heart almost jumped out of my chest! And then I heard my Lord say, "Do not fear him; oppose him... for he no longer has power over you." I thought about that for, like, a couple seconds and then said, quite weakly, in a sort of "good-witch" kind of way: "Leave. You have no power here." And he appeared to leave (yay!!), so I layed back down and closed my eyes.
But I could feel him still there, standing over me, and so sat right up. And he jumped at me, again. And my heart jumped again, but not as much as the first time. Still I was scared. Seriously. What the HECK was all of this??!! I heard my Lord say, again, "Look at him, child. Know his appearance. But do not fear him. Oppose him... he has no power over you. You belong to me." And so, I said, again, but with a bit more conviction, "Go away! You don't belong here and you have no power here." This time, he appeared to shrink away, and so I actually felt a little bit more... well, courageous, is the word, I guess. And I layed back down.
But he still didn't leave. I could still feel him standing there. This time, however, his presence wasn't as... well... threatening(?) is the word I'll use. And so I sat up and looked directly at him... and said, "Get away from me, and may JAH rebuke you." I didn't yell it; I didn't say it forcefully. I just said it, quietly and calmly.
He left, and I have not seen him since (but I do hear him, from time to time; no big deal, however - he's impotent, really).
True story.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,