Hello all...
Been a while since I've posted.
I'm mostly trolling here now-a-days.
Off Paxil and feel great.
The brother that "brought me into the Truth" called me the other day. Just told him - thanks, when we last talked - I was about to commit suicide.
Feel better now. Jesus Christ himself healed me - not the Watchtower. You guys hit the road when things went bad with me.
Ok... enough said about that for now.
So... today, I ran into one of the friends from the KH who is wheelchair bound.
He invited me to the KH.
But in my opinion (and I invite yours...) - I think he gets a pass.
What am I supposed to say to him? Hey... by the way, al the stuff we've learned is false?
If you read my old posts, some of the friends that approach me are free game.
But a brother in a wheelchair? I feel like I'm beating up on him if I tell him how I feel.
Ok... your opinion...