Witnesses are coming to stay with me during the Convention! Should I go?

by Witness 007 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    A Witness family is staying with us next week for the Convention! Brother X has been pressuring me to attend. First I said I would go on Sunday.....but he said he would love me to go all 3 days. Now I've decided I won't go at all. I don't think I can Fake it anymore. Everyone knows me and the wife are in-active and if I go I will be bombed with "love" and "encouragement." Lots of Witnesses are invading my city and one Brother told me he would come visit and "take me out Witnessing." NO FRIGGIN CHANCE!!!

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Gee, I'm so sorry to hear about your wicked intestinal flu, mate!

    You know, the intestinal flu that you're about to catch.

  • ex-nj-jw

    If you don't want to go then say "I don't want to go".


  • Quirky1

    Yeah, I'd go. I'd go stay somewhere else.

    Tell'em to shut the lights off and lock the doors.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Do not pass go.

    Do not collect anguish.


    007..I`ve been in the same position.....I didn`t go to the assembly..But..I allowed family members who were,to stay at my home......Your the one doing them a favor.....If they don`t like it..There`s always the "Holiday Inn"..They have hotels most everywhere..................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • MissingLink

    The only reason to go is to take a recording device and get PROOF of the crazyness being dished out to share with us.

  • Hope4Others

    Sounds more like your just a free ride for a room....if you do go then it starts the cycle all over again, if you feel at peace

    now with your decision why rock the boat...



  • changeling

    Don't be talked into doing anything you are not comfortable with.

    Your family should be grateful for your hospitality and not using it against you.

    changeling :)

  • Mary
    The only reason to go is to take a recording device and get PROOF of the crazyness being dished out to share with us.

    That's my feeling too. Althought I wouldn't go all three days-----just go the one day---maybe Saturday and make sure the tape-recorder's got good batteries in it.

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