Witnesses are coming to stay with me during the Convention! Should I go?

by Witness 007 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    I agree with recording the goings on....I went on Saturday, you just can not make this stuff up..

  • Finally-Free
    Your the one doing them a favor.....If they don`t like it..There`s always the "Holiday Inn"..They have hotels most everywhere......

    Also, if they preach at you, ask them if they're counting their time.


  • LockedChaos

    I have to go with OUTLAW on this

    OMG Now I'm scared - LOL

    Why prolong the agony

    If you want to go,
    Then go

    If you don't,

    Whatever you do
    Don't let it fog your brain

    Chances are within 10 minutes
    you'll be ready to go

    Be sure you take your own car
    Oh yeah, and take a sandwich too

  • undercover

    Isn't it amazing how much gall JWs can exhibit...and how much guilt we faders and inactives ones have heaped on us?

    Here you are, gracious enough to allow people to stay in your home and they can't just be thankful, they have to try push an agenda on you.

    On one hand, I think it's great that you're relationship is good enough that these people consider staying in your home for a visit...but then again...it's a free place to stay during the convention weekend. Would they come visit on a non-convention weekend just to pay a visit?

  • AudeSapere
    H4O wrote: Sounds more like your just a free ride for a room....

    That - and easy service time. You are inactive so they will probably count lots of hours while they tell you all about the assembly you missed. If you do go with them, they will probably count time for the whole drive there and back as well as lunchtime.

    I know I'm a cynic on this 'counting service time'. I've just lived with that mentality for so long that it has become a highly offensive aspect to me. Even worse then the actual witnessing it the opportunism that comes with it. Oh, goody!! I can count all my service and log a few RV's to boot!


  • carla

    They don't know your apostate ways I take it? Bring some old wt and say you want to compare something, don't let on as to what, just keep them guessing, that's if you think you must go. Or pretend you have to work or have a non jw friend call you with a personal emergency that will take a few days to sort out and you will be emotionally spent and cannot sit through such fine dining at the fds table and really concentrate......blah, blah, blah. Lie through your teeth.

    If they do know, tell them you have found a few churches you really like and would love their opinion on, the first one has a meeting on Friday night and they can make it in plenty of time after the dc, the second one also has a later Sat night meeting they can attend and the third has a very early service they can attend Sunday before the dc. If they expect you to go to their thing no reason you can't expect the same expecially when they are getting a free room & board out of the deal in YOUR home.

  • steve2

    It's no surprise that often our first "baby" steps away from JW bullying tactics consist of calling upon Physical Sickness to rescue us. And why not? If a claim of physical sickness keeps you away from the place you really don't want to go, it's a successful first baby step on the way to freedom!

    However, you might want to think about what you'll be prepared to do next year if they return. The idea would be to move in some way beyond baby steps to something more self-assured. Keep in mind the mental image of a baby learning to stand on its own two feet and managing to take steps without falling. It's a very helpful image.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    Short answer: No.


  • AudeSapere
    str8 wrote: Short answer: No.


    LOL funny!

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