Banned from my sisters wedding

by LunaFing 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Sorry you're feeling so down over it all. Can't believe your sister is judging you harder than her god or even the organisation. You must be feeling wretched...

    Edit to add:

    Just to add....she is the one being unreasonable. Hope you are not thinking of blaming yourself for all the upset....!!

  • LunaFing

    I am so distraught! I can't sleep! It's not fair! I'm a good person and I should be able to attend her wedding! NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LunaFing

    I am so distraught! I can't sleep! It's not fair! I'm a good person and I should be able to attend her wedding! NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to follow your guys advice, once I get off the emotional rollercoster I'm on. Sorry folks.....the Ambien is kicking in......see you guys in the morning. Love you guys!!!!!

  • BonaFide

    Hey, LunaFling, I am so sorry this is happening to you.

    My family is really treating me bad lately too. I have been asking them questions about 1914, and other stuff that they don't like.

    I am single, and I have a friend from out of the country that I set up a party for. Now my own family tells me not to go. MY OWN MOTHER. She acts as if I am 15 years old. My brother, who is disassociated, is so nice to me, even though I for years treated him bad.

    So remember that they are doing this because they are brainwashed. They really think they are better than others and have a right to treat others bad.

    My suggestion is the same as others here, I would go to the Kingdom Hall, be nice, wait in line to give congratulations, and as the scripture says, "pour fiery coals on her head."

    The receptions are boring anyway, and she will be thinking about how you were nice to her.


  • beerose

    Your sister thinks she's doing a loving thing for you,by shocking you into coming back!You can be sure it is someone at the hall behide this! God(sorry can I say that here) I can't believe they shun family,has things changed that much in JW world?When my grandmom was DF'd back in the 70's because they changed the smoking rule,she could not kick them,my mom could talk to her she just couldn't talk about the bible to her! I'm sorry you feel so hurt,please know your sister loves you and shes hurting too,she just got newthey scared her!

  • beerose

    Luna,don't you let them put a quilt trip on you! Your words was a reaction to the pain they caused you!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My Pious Pustule elder brother, told me once, that "He had given up on me." I was only reproved. He had more hope for my older brother, DFed, for years, than me. Go figure.

    You were reproved, or whatever, it has been so long. Spanked. Not Killed. Tell her that there may still be some hope, but you are not dead yet.

    Satan has got you by one foot, pulling you down, but you are fighting him, and she just shut the door. Thanks alot!!!!

  • wanderlustguy

    I imagine Jehovah is pissed at her for passing on the opportunity to remind you of how wonderful and loving his people are, as well as being able to see all the "friends" you miss which could have motivated you to come back.

    She must have a strong relationship with Him (can you hear the hint of sarcasm?) if your mere presence at her wedding could wreck it...or are you that bad? :o)

    Sounds more like she is concerned with what others have to say and letting their conscience be her guide.

    I can do this all night...need more?


  • dawg

    It took me years to realize, I can't control the actions of others, I can control myself.

    I've decided the best way is to reverse the disfellowshippment. To treat them like they have something wrong with them not me... and honestly, isn't that the truth?

    I'd neither go to her stupid wedding, nor would I ever talk to her again, I'd explain that I refuse to be treated unkindly by someone that refuses to examine her own damned religion,and that I know for a fact, a damned fact that Wt teachings are from Satan himself. But I'm a hard ass when it comes to this stuff.

  • raindog

    I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I can relate as I was at least invited to my brother's wedding but as a guest. I was not involved with the wedding party at all. Funny story: my brother tells me that there is going to be an open bar at the reception. I thought that was strange because of the possibility of people getting drunk. He told me that the bar would be "monitored". Well, I proved him wrong on that because I got drunk off my arse that night. Which I found to be the only way to enjoy a JW wedding.

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