Might take me a few tries to get this right but here are some pics of me and the kids. :D I'll add more over time, I have TONS (obviously, with six kids...lol).
Some pictures...
by amama2six 46 Replies latest jw friends
That's such a nice pic, thanks for sharing. You guys look like sisters.
New light for you
Wow amana! you're one gutsy broad posting all these pics in your first day!!
I cant believe you've only been here a day! welcome!
What's your story? or some abbreviated version your ready to share? dont mean to be nosey... dont have to answer.. just curious...
Oh, it worked? Alright...going back to put the picture back up...lol
Why don't I see it???
I don't see any pictures.
New light for you
which one is the daughter???? and you have 6 and you're STILL ALIVE?? Could you please impart some of your knowledge????
I don't understand why I can't see the picture when I put it up...what format is it supposed to be in and what boxes should be checked at the bottom of the page?
Also, a lot of my story is here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/162787/1.ashx -
Awakened at Gilead
I see it amamacita....
Maybe you don't because of Mozilla... try IE7...