Drop them off at the local Kingdom Hall. Seriously. Nothing pisses of the local servants more than for someone to bring in all their old literature.
What should I do with the old magazines?
by sacolton 58 Replies latest jw friends
well, if you're going to drop them off at the KH, make a big deal about how important they are and how you know they will use them well. Go on about it a bit until they look as though they want to escape. Also, open some of them beforehand and randomly underline paragraphs, make little stars and exclamation points, totally randomly. And, make little notes, for instance "I can't believe anyone would swallow this drivel." Give them something to find when they look through them to see if there's anything they want.
bite me
keep them for reference from old /new news? ???
Before you recycle them, pour some water over them, so when they start to dry, the pages become stuck to each other rendering them useless.
wow. thats the smartest thing ive ever heard anyone say about anything
you could use them as fly swatters. or, you could use them as.....oh, how do i word this...."emergency/poetic toilet paper"
Drop them off at the Kingdumb Hall with a note saying " I had all of these magazines blessed by a renowned Catholic Priest, and now I am giving them back to you." I bet they would be in a quandry as to what to do with them. They would hate to throw them away, yet they would hate to have them back in the Hall.
I keep mine. Then I show them to my worldly friends and say, "Look at this sh*t! Can you believe this bullsh*t?"
White Dove
They are perfect for target practice because they have real faces on them!
Throw them in a building that is infested with rats! That place will be pest-free before sundown. Guaranteed.