elders/m.s. or former elders and m.s.

by zev 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    i heard an announcement was made at another congregations meeting.

    the "brother", was publicly reproved.

    no biggie.

    heres what i'm having a tough time with....
    they announced exactly what his restrictions were.

    is this right? i thought just an anouncement and thats it, why start naming restrictions ? next, they'll be stating reasons for df'ing and stuff.

    can i get former or present elderr thoughts? or anyones really....
    just seems odd to me.

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  • sunscapes

    Yeah, that's a new one on me, zev. Maybe just another public shaming tool to get the bro. to capitulate. Could especially work if the brother cherished specific privileges.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • blondie

    Actually, whether the restrictions are announced is at the discretion of the judicial committee.

    September 1, 1981 Watchtower page 27

    Repentance Leading Back to God
    In either of these situations, the congregation elders can arrange to deal with the matter at the weekly service meeting, not at other meetings. At the service meeting it could be announced that the former wrongdoer has been reproved by a judicial committee and has demonstrated repentance. Also, the judicial committee may feel it necessary to impose certain restrictions. These might include not sharing in meeting parts, not representing the congregation in prayer or, perhaps, not reading scriptures or commenting at meetings. If the committee has instituted some restrictions, they may advise the elders whether they feel that this should be announced to the congregation.
    I have heard it announced just in general "full restrictions" or "partial restrictions" without the restrictions being specifically spelled out. If it was done that way, it is unusual.
  • hillary_step


    The 'Flock' book re-iterates that this possibility rests with the elders on the JC. It is sometimes used when a 'wrongdoing' is public knowledge and the 'sin' is well known. I have only known this happen twice the past couple of decades.

    A childish and rather silly action that dignifies no-person involved, and of course one that is completely unscriptual.

    The Plymouth Bretheren used to use a similar technique called 'reading out' the person.


  • messenger

    The announcment of restrictions is up to the judicial committee. It has been that way for a long time. It is considered optional.

    *** w81 9/1 27 Repentance Leading Back to God ***
    29 In either of these situations, the congregation elders can arrange to deal with the matter at the weekly service meeting, not at other meetings. At the service meeting it could be announced that the former wrongdoer has been reproved by a judicial committee and has demonstrated repentance. Also, the judicial committee may feel it necessary to impose certain restrictions. These might include not sharing in meeting parts, not representing the congregation in prayer or, perhaps, not reading scriptures or commenting at meetings. If the committee has instituted some restrictions, they may advise the elders whether they feel that this should be announced to the congregation. Such restrictions can gradually be lifted in the future.

  • nelly136

    restriction announcing was around when i was one zev, just
    before i left it was announced that so and so couldnt handle
    the sound system and do the book counter or answer up etc etc
    cant remember what they said about his girlfriend though
    but they werent allowed a kingdom hall wedding and the special
    needs talk was fornication and stuff, was a quick wedding at the registry office too

  • RR

    Actually, how many of you remember when they use to announce the actual "sin" to the congregation? Not only that, they would announce it throughout the circuit that Bro or Sr so-and-so was DF'd for so-and-so sin. How's that for "marking?"

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • avengers
    the former wrongdoer has been reproved by a judicial committee and has demonstrated repentance. Also, the judicial committee may feel it necessary to impose certain restrictions. These might include not sharing in meeting parts, not representing the congregation in prayer or, perhaps, not reading scriptures or commenting at meetings.

    Was the governing body reproved for joining the UN? Or does wrongdoing only apply to the publishers?

  • zev

    sorry, only to rank and file members.

    the g.b. are exempt due to being directed by gods holy spirit.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • cyberguy
    Actually, how many of you remember when they use to announce the actual "sin" to the congregation?

    yep -- I remember! Also, DF'd individuals use to stand in the back of the hall (at least in the hall I went to when I was a kid)!

    When I was in Bethel in the late 70's, I recall several Bethelites being DF'd and they actually told the whole Bethel family during breakfast what the person did in graphic detail.

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