On April 21st I received an e-mail out of the blue from a person who was the brother of an elder in my congregation. When I logged on to my work email I was suprised to see an email from someone in my former congregation (Farmers Branch). When you read his comments that I should return, you'd wouldn't think he would start off with name calling.
From: Timothy Hamm [
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 11:04 PM
To: Reed, Donny R.
Subject: How big of an idiot are you really?
Please tell me. We all know you're an idiot. That all goes without
saying. You turned your back on Jehovah and your family and your friends
from way back then. you say things you know aren't true, so tell me,
what do you get out of it? Do you seriously think you have more knowledge than
our creator? You will sacrifice your children for your hard headed
ness.???? Yes, i i misspelled it on purpose. I know you know
who i am and i know who you are... You're an idiot and your children and
friends miss you. Come back to Jehovah's organization while you still
can. I hope to hear from you.
Timothy Hamm
I followed with:
-----Original Message-----
From: Reed, Donny R.
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 5:11 PM
To: Timothy Hamm
Subject: RE: How big of an idiot are you really?
No reply to my reply?
Donny Reed
-----Original Message-----
From: Reed, Donny R.
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:04 AM
To: 'Timothy Hamm'
Subject: RE: How big of an idiot are you really?
Dear Tim,
First of all, I will not begin this email with name calling as you have
done. Do you really think that type of tactic would actually bring a
positive result, however it is quite typical of what I have received
over the years. I have yet to receive a logical, intelligent argument as to
why I should "come back."
I do not claim to have more knowledge than the creator, I just know enough to know that the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society is not God's sole channel to mankind. As for my children, they are
all adults now, so I will not sacrifice anything on their behalf.
Before I left, I gave the elders a chance to show me the error in my
thinking, and yet they were more concerned as to where I had gotten my
information rather than answering the questions.
You state that I have said things that are not true, please let me know what they are. Much of
what I have heard from others about things that I have either said or done is
outright lies or severe distortions. If one has "the truth", then it
will be able to stand against anything. So, please let me know what I have
stated that you believe to be untrue? And please, leave the name-calling at
the door.
P.S. I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses as people, as I have
one working for me who is a good man. And I still have respect for
Jared Hardie who was one of the very few I knew in my ten years in the
organization that really strived to live the life as one.
Donny Reed
Which brought this response.
-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Hamm
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 3:24 PM
To: Reed, Donny R.
Subject: RE: How big of an idiot are you really?
What's the point? You're too far gone.. (see? no name calling) Satan's
hold on you is so tight that it may actually be too late for you. I
apologize for the name calling previously, but I was so shocked by
running across your email that emotions took over. I'm deeply sorry he has
blinded you to the point that you actually believe the things you are saying.
It was prophesied that there would be some like you.
(I like this next statement)
Unfortunately for you, you're too smart for your own good. You think too much. There is a
thing called faith. Something I'm sure you stopped believing in LONG ago. If
you had enough proper training to the point that you were ever appointed as a teacher,
then you at some point had the smarts to realize what you had and what you
had to lose. I almost feel sorry for you.
Your name comes up quite a bit and it's always when the "sad stories" are being told. "Whatever happened to..."
And I'm sure that the elders DID indeed give you many explanations as to why you
should "come back" but you're just too blind to see. I hope someday you
can wake up and we can call you brother again. But know this: you are
missed. The friends are still upset over your apostasy even though it's a long ago memory.
And I responded....
From: Reed, Donny R.
Sent: Mon 5/5/2008 4:54 PM
To: Timothy Hamm
Subject: RE: How big of an idiot are you really?
I'm just curious, what email did you run across? I have been out of the organization for some 16 years and I have not corresponded with anyone from my old congregation in quite some time. As I stated earlier, I was not looking for a way out, I just had some questions I wanted answers to and basically all I got was "Where did you hear that?" and "Where did you get this document?" and the like. I believe the "truth" should be able stand up against anything and not run when serious questions are raised. The Watchtower/Awake vigorously asks those who are of other faiths to ask questions and to make sure of all things.
That is all I was trying to do and pretty much all I got was that I need to accept hook, line and sinker everything the Governing Body states is spiritual fact. In that regards, there in not much difference in Mormonism, The Worldwide Church of God, Dawn Bible Students, Christadelphians and other "sole channel" religions. Like Jehovah's Witnesses, few members of these groups leave because they have been told the same story that we are the truth and we do not tolerate any serious questioning of our belief structure. And any who do are kicked out and labeled as "evil" and unworthy.
Just a clarification, I did not leave while I was still in the same household as Maria. I have received emails from Witnesses in the past who said that I was trying to get Maria to accept "apostate" teachings and was putting pressure on her to leave. That never happened and to this day, I do not try to get other Jehovah's Witnesses to leave. I have a man working for me who is a Witness and he obviously enjoys and accepts the teachings and I say "good for him." If it fulfils his spiritual needs, then so be it. I never try to dissuade him in any way. If he wants to know why I left and what issues I have/had, I will tell him if he asks, but I will not force any of my beliefs or thoughts upon him.
In closing, I again ask, what untrue things have I said? I am not beyond all correction and if someone points out something I have truly said or done that appears to be in error, I will consider it and correct my thinking or apologize for the misstatement if I was in error.
Donny Reed
I have yet to receive a response as of 07/25/08.