The quote from Living With Jehovah's Day In Mind is the quote I was referencing. However, there is more starting in paragraph 10 and on to page 116. (The scan ended with paragraph 9.)
Starting at paragraph 10, "The prophets realized that even men and women dedicated to Jehovah at times ignore what he wants from them. Hosea expressed God's feelings about some in his day: "Despoiling to them, for they have transgressed against me! And I myself proceeded to redeem them, but they themselves have spoken lies even against me." Beyond telling direct and undeniable lies against Jehovah, some gave in to "the pronouncing of curses and practicing deception," perhaps distorting facts so as to mislead others. (Hosea 4:1, 2; 7:3, 13; 10:4, 12:1) Hosea wrote those words in Samaria, the northern kingdom. Were things better in Judah? Micha tells us: "Her own rich men have become full of violence, and her own inhabitants have spoken falsehoods, and their tongue is tricky in their mouth." (Micah 6:12) It is good that we be aware of how those prophets condemned the "practicing of deception" and those whose "tongue is tricky in their mouth." Thus even Christians, who would certainly not tell deliberate lies, can ask: "Might I a times practice deception or have a tricky tongue in my mouth? What does God desire of me in this respect?"