Can someone please put this scan back up? I tried both previous links but they didn't work. Thanks......
Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind-p.115
Or in an uncomfortable situation, we might be tempted to mention only selected details, editing them to color the facts. Hence, what we say might technically be true yet give a totally different impression. While this may not be flagrant lying, such as is common in the world today, is it really ‘speaking truth each one with his neighbor,’ or brother? (Ephesians 4:15, 25; 1 Timothy 4:1, 2) When a Christian phrases things in such a way that he inwardly knows is leading brothers to a wrong conclusion, to believe something that is really not true, not accurate, how do you think God feels?
Misquotes from the "Reasoning Book" re: Cross (scans included)
by AlphaOmega 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs