After all these years, I finally experienced this weird deep sense of calm, peaceful resignation. I realized after desperately wanting my JW sister and the other witness family members to see the real "truth" about the organization that now I don’t want to change them anymore. I have absolutely no desire to pontificate on the absurdity of believing the doctrines and directives of the Watchtower Society. The desire is gone….poof!! In a conversation with my sister (a call I initiated), I brought up the book study change. She simply said: "Jehovah knows what we need when we need it." Her voice was cold, matter-of-fact, and stern. I realized then and there that any changes coming from the organization will simply be accepted as having come from Jehovah through his faithful and discreet slave and will never be questioned....never, ever. Nothing I can show her will ever matter. I feel an overwhelming sense of peace today. I’ve turned loose of the desire. Am I wrong? Should I continue to drop seeds of truth? I'm thinking "no".
After all these years.........POOF! The desire is gone
by journey-on 23 Replies latest jw friends
I feel an overwhelming sense of peace today
I think that's your have peace.
If they ask, go ahead and answer any questions they have. I quit trying a few years back with my family and know just how you peace with myself. It's their problem not ours.
you can lead a horse to water........ sometimes you get sore feet and a tired horse........but you knew that already.
Sleep well.
You feel this way today, which is a good thing.
But tomorrow may likely bring different feelings. Being mistreated, labeled and shunned along seeing the injustices heaped on other families by JW's again and again has a way of bringing those out.
I'd say just go with the flow...
Keep bashing your head against the wall, and you're bound to get a headache.
You will NEVER change them. They need to change. When people constantly bombard them with the real truth about the truth, they take it as persecution, and it cements they're belief that they are in the real religion. JW's are a cult - it's best to let them alone in most cases.
One day they will see the light. And if they don't, it's not your fault.
Sleep well
Sleep is a problem with me sometimes. This religion tore my family apart. The times I said that to my sister, she
replied, "No...those leaving Jehovah is what tore our family apart." She has her way of seeing things, and I have my
way. I lay in bed sometimes feeling so sad that someone so close to me could be so heartless and cold simply because
my spiritual direction is different from hers. I long for the closeness of my only sister, but realize I would have to give up my
authenticity to have it. Sometimes I think I could act the part she wants me to play, but then I realize the absurdity of wearing
such a facade. Today, I'm feeling at peace and I intend to sleep well from now on.
Congratulations. Many people feel driven to rescue loved ones from the wt clutches. That's cool. However, it is not an imperative. Our responsibilities are to get our own lives as good as we can. Secondly, those of our dependents. I see no reason to try to take away from jw relatives what they are fighting w all their might to keep. Let em have it!!
S -
She has her way of seeing things, and I have my way.
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that. She doesn't see things her way. She doesn't have a way. She is under the control of a cult, and there's not much you can do to change that. If you haven't already, you may want to read Steven Hasan's Combatting Cult Mind Control. There's a whole system in helping people out, and I was surprised to learn that most natural instincts in that type of endeavor are wrong.
There is someone from the board that I knew as a JW first. We met online and then in person while we were both JW's.
I went wayword before them.
But, I had doubts that surely came out in our conversations.
When we met up again online,
The first thing they said to me was.
"Thank-you for letting me figure it all out myself, and not being pushy."
My questioning the org in our conversations no doubt planted a seed.
Anyway we are both out and he is a raving apostate.