I am looking for the best granite countertops

by asilentone 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    I am looking for the best granite countertops that are stain resistant. If you have one, do you like it or not?

  • TrailBlazer04

    When we re-did our kitchen 2 years ago, we got granite countertops...Ours are finished so they are stain resistant...and as long as you avoid products that contain ammonia on them, they won't have to be refinished for years and years and years. We use either Glass Plus or the Green stuff made by Clorox (I think)...it's the stuff that is citrus based.

    I've cut veggies on mine (no cutting board), cut pizza, etc. and they stand up to it all. We got ours at a local place in Portsmouth VA. Compared to Corian, they were really not that expensive. I think we paid about 5000.00 including installation, for 53 square feet of countertop. I LOVE mine.

    Oh...by the way...we got the stuff called "Uba Tuba", it's a dark green with flecks of gold and silver...quite pretty.


  • stillajwexelder

    that is a serious amount of money

  • Robdar

    Yes, a serious amount of money for the granite and a serious amount of money to clean up the radon the granite will bring into your home. Do a google search to find out more about granite counter tops and radon.

  • jwfacts

    I have granite and it is by far the best surface I know of. I would never choose anything else again, and think the additional cost is well worth it. It is easy to clean, looks great, heat resistance and very tough.

    I dropped a large knife point first into it and it did make a small chip, but apart from that it has not scratched at all.

  • moshe

    It is reported that some homeowners have discovered high levels of radon gas in their homes- radiated from their granite countertops.

  • treadnh2o

    A silentone,

    Granite is a stone. If it has a name brand it is probably a synthetic. The key to keeping stains off granite is the sealer. Get a good sealer and maintain it. Also a darker or busy color ( veiny is the technical description) . will hide anything that does penetrate the stone.


    P.s. I have built kitchens in excess of a quarter million dollars

  • RubaDub
    that is a serious amount of money

    Yes, Stilla ... ($5,000) .. thank you ... My wife has been up my ahhh .. "backside" .... about getting new kitchen countertops too ... Personally, I think ours are fine --- very nice formica. Do you use it as a chopping board ? .. NO ... no way. But we have a nice, very large wood board that works very well (almost an antique). We got a quote of $3,800 and that too is way too much money! I mean, I pay about $20 for a case of Fosters Lager and that equates to 190 cases of beer vs. a piece of granite. Let's put it this way, we're drinking Fosters tonite. Rub a Dub

  • cawshun

    I have " absolute black" granite island and counter tops. I love it. It shines and one can see their reflection in it. We used a very good sealer on it and it cleans up so easy. It took 3, 5 x 9 ft. sheet's, to do my kitchen at a cost of $5000 well worth it . If you can find a granite bone yard and some one that can get you access you can find some left over cut's a lot cheaper. I picked cashmire gold for my bathroom from the bone yard can't remember the cost but not bad. I use my lap top here at the kitchen island and my arms stay cold on the granite, I have to wear a knit sweater.

  • fern

    You might also want to check into quartz counter tops. I have them and love them. It is actually stronger than granite, never has to be sealed, and it heat and stain proof. The cost is about the same as granite. Two brand names are Zodiac and Sylstone. I have also heard of radon emitting from granite but haven't heard it about quartz.



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