suicide and explosion at Kingdom Hall on Sat. July 27

by kool aid man06 157 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    "More readers will buy the paper if the headline reads 'hate crime' than they will if it reads 'man depressed over unemployment"

    Nah. A guy burst into a church doing a kids play and kills people before being overpowered. It's news. Deal with it.

  • DJK

    Just clarifying something, we are mixing two different stories on one thread.

  • beksbks

    I gave the TN story it's own thread. They found a letter in his car.

  • sammielee24
    Nah. A guy burst into a church doing a kids play and kills people before being overpowered. It's news. Deal with it.

    Sure....whatever you say. In your neck of the woods its one angle - in another part of the country it's another. One talk show host just dedicated the last hour to this tragedy and his take? It was a hate crime - conservative hate for liberalist ideals including homosexuality - pretty well negated the rest of the guys life or his other problems that might have contributed - whatever floats the ratings wherever the news sits. sammieswife.

  • journey-on
    whatever floats the ratings wherever the news sits.

    You got that right, Sammieswife. I have slowly developed a serious mistrust for the news media.

  • beksbks

    Problem is Sammie, they found a letter in his car pretty much stating exactly that.

    From a UK site

    According to a four-page manifesto police found in his SUV in the church parking lot, Adkisson believed the church to be a bastion of liberalism in an otherwise socially conservative area of eastern Tennessee.

    "That church had received some publicity in the recent past regarding its liberal stance on things," Owen said, "and that is at least one of the issues we believe caused that church to be targeted".

    The church's website speaks of its "long and rich history of taking stands for social justice," and said it has fought since the 1950s for racial desegregation, fair wages and equal treatment for women and homosexuals. It provides sanctuary for political refugees and founded a chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. The church hosts social events for gay and lesbian teens.

  • ohiocowboy

    It looks like my comment was the last one. Here is the link for comments. No more comments can be added. The reporters name and email is Kevin Murphy, [email protected]

    Maybe some of us can email and ask why they no longer mention Jehovah's Witnesses in the article, and why comments have been disabled. Once again, the powers that be seem to be sweeping things under the rug.


    • Average: 2 —  Votes: 1

    That is so sad.

    Those of us who are no longer part of that horrible cult should be thankful. Too many lives have been/are being affected in so many ways that unfortunately we will be hearing more and more stories like this. Yet, they still say that they are the "Happiest people on Earth". Sad indeed...

    My condolences to the "Brother" that evidently felt that there was no other way out. Thankfully, he didnt bring anyone else down with him.

    The Watchtower Org. is a dangerous entity. For being mainly a book publishing company, they sure have ruined many people.

    Just a quick google search of Jehovah's Witnesses will show factual info. of many cases of murder done by JW's, as well as child abuse, and yet they deny it all.

    I pray that the Government takes a long look at this cult, and does something to stop the destruction of so many lives...

    • Average: 5 —  Votes: 3 Avg 5.00, 3 votes
  • ohiocowboy

    Looks like the link I provided doesn't go to the comments section anymore....I had saved it last night on my computer, so I guess that is why it still shows up on mine...

    I am going to contact the journalist, and ask him why they are covering things up.

  • Sirona

    I also commented and would be interested to know where the comments have all gone.


  • beksbks

    Same here Ohio

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