All I could think of was:"Please shut the F*ck-Up!"..LOL!!
Amen! As indoctrinated as I was, I always thought at the same time that I was balanced because there were nuttier people around. They would keep it in the car group mostly...
"I can't wait for the pretentious idiot to get destroyed!" (variations therof...) Depending on the wit of the person spewing this, we would all laugh. Depending on how much it seemed they wanted to personally help YHWH do the destroying at that moment, I would cringe.
Frankly, even though I took this just as seriously for a time, once I started to get into the "inner circles" and associate with those who said such nonsense, it turned me off. I really couldn't believe that people could think they were that better then anyone else, and could hope that all but themselves would die at Armageddon.
God, it still pisses me off!