What's The Food That Wrecks Your Diet?

by White Dove 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LockedChaos

    Damn It!!

    Now I'm hungry

    (smacks lips and begins to drool)

  • *summer*

    For me, chocolate is the ultimate diet wrecker.

    And also my daily bowl of Lays while watching tv at night.

    Oh! and I am a pasta lover...and I mean "PASTA LOVER"

    Wow! I am drooling???

  • still_in74

    Ruffles Natural Potato Chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Priest73

    Fried Chicken. It's this white man's crack.

  • Hope4Others

    Diet me...ha ha ha have no will power...

    love my salt...lol chips ruffles plain...

    Good thing its in the genes to be trim or I'd be in trouble...

  • Layla33

    Southern style mac & cheese with lots of butter. (I have it about once a year.)

    Chocolate ice cream with chocolate fudge brownies by Ben & Jerry. (Heaven. Decadence.)

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Hey White Dove - I love pizza, the cheesier, the better. And creamy foods, and bread!!!!!

    My biggest problem at the moment is picking - I am just so nibbly and will munch on anything and everything while I wait for supper to be ready, even though I have shown restraint throughout the day! This is no good for weightwatchers!!!

  • PEC

    The food with the calories, does it every time. If I could just stick to the zero calories foods I would be fine.


  • Mulan

    definitely ice cream, almost any flavor

  • Mysterious

    Cheese. I must be Canadian.

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