70 Hour Pio's & 15 Min Pubs

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    praise be to god, hahahah.

    When I was an elder I use to say this time counting is a joke...it didn't take long before the CO ask me to serve behind the literature counter because I wasn't an example to the congregation I therefore told him I wasn't serving as an elder any more perod because I wasn't n example. I spent most of my time trying to keep my car running to make it to the meeting.

    so I was right after all jsut a measure of time that means nothing without love for those whose door you knock on.

    an empty measurement of forced christainity.

  • ISP

    The 15min rule is designed for old dudes..but I bet it will spread. Soon by the time you get on the territory...get assigned a street etc.... you'll be able to go home!

    But averages will go. It is purely being done to massage the figures upwards!


  • sunscapes


    It will certainly decrease the averages. Why? So the COs can browbeat the rest of the pubs into humiliation to bring the averages back up!

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

  • sunscapes

    Rekless you said:

    an empty measurement of forced christainity.

    Exactly, yet so much relied upon by elders and overseers as THE barometer of spirituality; month after month, service year after service year.

    Kinda like how credit scoring was only meant as a tool for evaluating credit-worthy mortgage and loan applicants, but now that three-digit number is THE all-important number over 85% of U.S. lenders use in rendering accept/reject decisions. It comes down to laziness, pure and simple.

    The "shepherd's" life is made much easier by scanning reports, instead of trying to search the souls of the flock.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

  • ofcmad

    sunscape.. i agree with you 100%

    geez... that is pathetic.
    so now when we see the numbers for the end of the year totals we will see:
    Hours 14,908,938.25

    If they were truely concerned about the elderly or handicapped, they would waive the whole time requirement. But, they need to show increases in publishers, and this is how they have to do it.

    All those numbers are false from 1985-1992. I cheated on my time sheets. If I sent them in the correct hours, would they readjust it?


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
  • gambler

    This is soo funny.ldh is right alot of pubs cheat on time,I cheated all the time when I actualy turned in a slip.I would always round up, so if I spent say a couple of seconds saying the word Jahova,jesus or any other bilble word in public that was time and had to be rounded up to an even hour.I knew one pioneer who would only go in service for mabey 10 hours in his congo and he would tell people he would go in service with neighboring congos and he would also tell people he liked to work alone alot.This fraud happenes alot lol.

  • ZazuWitts

    Do any of you think this could backfire on the Society? What I mean to say, is that 'illness' is the only legitimate excuse one can use to exempt themselves from field service in the first place.

    Remember showing up for field service only to hear about sister/brother so-and-so feeling 'poorly' or 'sickly.'

    I just get the thought, that over time, there are going to a lot more JW's on that 'infirm list.' So, while it might initially increase the number of publishers reporting, it is also going to add to the number of neurotic, and/or psychosomatic symptoms of the poor dub who desperately wants to avoid pounding on doors.

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