The difference between the method which Science uses and everything else is that it depends on constant testing in order to discover the flaw, weakness and error content.
Religion comes from Authority and questioning the basis of it is called Heresy. So, no tests allowed and faith has to swallow seeming contradiction and put on a happy face.
Metaphysics and Mysticism unplug phenonmena from their definitions which allows practicioners to disconnect the rational process. The result is imagination run riot.
After all is said and done, Science deals with the PRACTICAL. Medicine, Astronomy, Technology, Chemistry, etc. impact our lives in a real way. What makes your life easy enough to have free time to diddle here on JWD is the result of science.
Truth is a very nasty concept because it has been so abused. It is like a dog that has been mistreated. It looks sweet until you get up close and it bears its fangs. Watch out! It can bite you.
People want what they want to be true. When Science doesn't give it to them they turn elsewhere.