when ray franz finally shuffles off this mortal coil.....(which I hope will not be for many more years) I think there should be the biggest gathering of apostates ever....in thanks to the man who freed the minds of many of us ....I for one will be there come what may.....(unless it's raining....kidding)...franzy....ninja salutes you
the biggest apostafest
by ninja 21 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Raymond God Bless, I'll be there
we can call it a franzy frenzy borgster
because he would marvel at my drinking ability and wished he knew me as a drinking partner sooner
A@G has a very good point... Have any of you thought of having a large-scale apostevent? Perhaps you could ask Mr Franz if he would be your guest of honour. It would be a fitting tribute. Find a hotel with a big ballroom, get a block of rooms, I would suggest you plan it a few months in advance to give people the opportunity to save up. Hotels are hurting right now, so it's easier to negotiate good rates.
Me and Dadscrazy would be there.
i'm totally in. is carl olaf johnson still alive? he's another that deserves high recognition. his book "gentile times revisited" broke the last link of fear i had that the WTS may be right. i owe him for totally freeing my mind.
Wouldn't miss it!!
I'm soooo in, if i have to hitch hike, and sleep in a sleeping bag!!!!
CrazyBlondie, I live about 2 hours from Ray.