Maybe you can use some to help break you of your masturbation addiction.
Oh and I asked for the Holy Spirit for that too...
And God sent me the internet....
by Maddie 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Maybe you can use some to help break you of your masturbation addiction.
Oh and I asked for the Holy Spirit for that too...
And God sent me the internet....
God Bless Ya.
Sylvia you're right about religion. One's very much like another. They're all about rules, do this, don't do that. And whatever is out there I just can't wrap my mind around believing that person really cares who we fall in love with, or what seat we park our butt on or what franchise we patronize. Christianity is supposed to be about love.
One of my all time favorite pieces of writing is 1 Cor. 13. That, to my poor mind, is what real spirituality should be about and oftentimes isn't. I try for it, and of course fail miserably. But at least I try. It's a goal, you know
Big Tex, keep in mind that the Catholic Church decided what went into the Bible. And that just because people claim the book is all inspired doesn't make it so. On the other hand, keep also in mind this excerpt from my JWD profile:
Please measure your god against this scripture: ''He that does not love has not come to know God because God is love.'' 1 John 4:8 ****** While doing that keep in mind 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 .***** ''You've got to believe in foolish miracles.''Ozzie.
If it isn't loving, it's not from God, because God is love and like you mentioned, 1 Cor. 13 defines love.
Jesus never once mentioned homosexuality. Jesus did not condemn the Samaritan woman for "shacking up" with a man. He set the standard for unconditional love. When he mentions adultery, he expresses facts and ideals, he does not state condemnation. And if you find things inconsistent with love, credited to Jesus in a particular translation, you know it is someone misquoting him or making things up all together.
I believe there is some truth in the Bible, but when it clashes with love, it's not from God. God is love.
Enjoy my contempt, you little drywaller you!
(A major source of intellectualism!)
Just thought I would note this for posterity. Another uprovoked attack by JK666, this time on NVR, which JK will no doubt edit out once the flame war starts so that he can appear to be the innocent party. Fourth time JK but you cannot edit out this post. From another thread today:
If Drywall Boy would correlate his personal behavior with his supposed morality . . . Threats wouldn't matter. It would be driven by him and his personal beliefs.
Not very cuddly of you JK666. Knock it off.
Big Tex, you and I both have been through horrors at the hands of parents. I do believe in free will. And our parents and other adults had free will. This doesn't mean that we were not protected at least in some sense. For me, I was given the comfort of prayer to a kindly God who had unconditional love for all his creatures. I was given the uncanny ability to find ebullient joy in even parts of days and at the same time be terrified to go home to my mother. And I have mostly wonderful memories of childhood, despite my abusive parents. And you and I are both good people, with good hearts now-a-days. You have Nina. I believe very much someone looked out for good hearted you. You are still here amongst the living, encouraging and enriching the lives of so countless many people here on the internet and in your person to person life.
I think that I have finally been touched by the HS!
May you dwell in and offer peace.
I think that I have finally been touched by the HS!
Who can say. The only thing that is certain is that when this HS touches you, you bawl and cry like a little baby.
The more important question that needs to be asked is not whether Maddie received the 'Holy Spirit', but if every Christian on this Board has received it. If not an explanation needs to be given as to why not, if we truly wish to understand the theological implications of this issue.
It seems that some Christians 'receive' the Holy Spirit in this consuming way, and some do not.
Okay, I will elaborate, since hillary brought it up,
I found the pounding of Maddie on her thread to be completely out of bounds on this board.
She shared her personal experience, and nvr blasted her. Tough darts that I defended her, and for that matter, have my own personal contempt for him. Console him if you want to hillary, whatever.