Harry Potter Movie

by Abaddon 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Julie

    Hey there bad-man--

    I am looking forward to seeing the movie with my kids. Heard great things about it, loved the books.

    I knew that about the titles of the books. Damn literary-snobs! Missed a good opportunity to teach kids a new word, maybe even a new concept. Ah well, you know us Americans, we already know EVERYTHING worth knowing, jsut go to Washington, they will tell you.

    I am just glad they did cast that man-child Leonardo DiCaprio or some other no-talent just for the name. Maybe there is a God afterall.....


  • gambler

    I agree with you abandon in some respects.I also think empire srikes back was the best one and I dont think it can be topped.I agree that the ewoks ruined jedi to some extent.I liked then when I was young but now I hate the furry bastards but not as much as jar jar.What made Phantom menace barable was darth maul, Qui gon and the awsome light saber battles.Lucas made huge blunder by killing of the two most interesting caracters.They should of killed jar jar off.One more point to make as two why the first three where so good, they had the best sound track to a movie ever,period,nothing else even comes close.I think alot of people underestamate how a good sound track can help a movie.

  • Abaddon

    gambler; Great point about the music, although aren't the themes the same in all four? As for killing interesting characters off, well, the story is meant to be history, and in history, interesting people get killed. Hell, ask Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin... ah... You see my point? It's not Qui-gon Wars or Darth Maul Wars, it's the history of the rise and fall of the Empire, and thus people take second place even if they have a double-ended light sabre.

    Ewoks are demon-spawn though, aren't they?

    Hey julie; your kids will love it; the interplay between the kids is great, especially between Hermione and the boys; its classic, she's far more grown up than them, and thinks they are, well, BOYS, and they regard her as an alien, being a GIRL and all.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • jelly


    I agree they were not master pieces they were however (especially 4 and 5) good action movies. My problem with the new star wars movies is that they are sanitized and scrubbed clean so as not to be offensive (except for the obviously racial Jar Jar).

    My point is instead of a PG-13 rated action film the series is heading towards a G rated cartoon.


    For those of you from other countries America has a rating system for movies:

    G – Kids movies completely harmless (care bares, etc)
    PG – Some light antics but no nudity or serious obscenities. Some violence.
    PG-13 – a little more adult, violence as long as not to graphic, some suggestive themes (sexual)
    R- Women showing Breast can be found in movies with this rating.
    X- Porn
    XXX- Twisted Porn

  • gambler

    LOL naked star wars that would be cool. Yes the theam song at the begining of all 4 are the same but I was refering to the sondtrack throughout the movie.Yes in history interesting people die, but dose that make for a good movie.Lucas could make up his own history and he chose to devolop the wrong caracters, jar jar come on.He is forced to stick with some like obi one,anikin and the prinsess.He could have written maul into the second one but then he might upstage vader if you keep him too long.


    The Star Wars trilogy was a classic. Heaps of fun.

    The Phantom menace sucked shit big time. All special effects...but other than that it was totally dis-engaging. Bored the crap out of me.

    Bad movie!!!!

    BTW in the latest episode I hear they're going to kill off Chewy. I hope they do a re think and kill off Jar jar Binks instead.

  • gambler

    agreed gweedo phantom menace was the most disapointing movie I have ever seen. Chewy cant be killed of becase the next movie takes place before the other three.You must have heard somthing else.Hopfuly it will be jar jar. Also about great soundtracks in movies, #2 on my movie list would be last of the mohicans.an awsome movie and the music made it even better.


    Yeah your right gambler. I did hear something about some-one getting killed off though. There was also something about chewy being in the movie?

    I hope Lucas gets a clue and kills off Jar jar. Hopefully in the opening credits

    ...and resurrects Darth Maul!

    Kill off the side kick. Bring back the bad guy! Thats what I say!

  • ashitaka

    I didn't mind episode one, although I was a little disappointed myself. I know people got put out over the immaculate conception thing(which I thought was interesting), and the little kid was annoying, but I liked Quigon and ObiWan's characters. It's just Lucas' dialouge that is horrible. The guy writes every movie like it's 1962. But, storywise, it wasn't that bad. I just wish he had done phantom menace a little more seriously.

    The next one will be better, but don't expect too much in the way of dialouge-it same old George.


  • Abaddon

    Did anyone catch the glimspse of ET style aliens in one of the balconies of the Republic Parliment Building?

    They are on screen for about a second, but they are 100% 'Phone home' ers.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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