For what it's worth my two cents goes like this. Because the JW's are a fabricated religion and only 'makes sense' in its entirety, as soon as anyone would break away they would have to completely break free of the WTS control, and when they do they will find that there isn't anything to reform. It is all bogus, there's nothing left to rally around and they may as well join a community church somewhere and be done with it. Deleted.
JW splinter groups..
by fb130 24 Replies latest jw friends
Bergman wrote a whole book on "Jehovah's Witnesses and Kindred Groups". Since the very beginning there have been several break-aways. Nowadays, people like Greg Stafford build new splinter groups. And some groups just chat on tne www.
Deleted has made a very logical point. In a way, this group and all of it's teaching hinges on the GB being the true "faithful and discreet slave". This means that the GB is effectively viewed as being infallible.
Now, if a splinter group forms, you have to deal with the FDS idea, and to deal with them - if they are infallible, then what are you doing trying to make another. If they are not infallible, then all of it immediately falls apart like the mummy's shroud and you might as well go to the Unitarians.
Doesn't JWD count? LOL
Doesn't JWD count? LOL Ok, now that is funny!
Well, there would have to be an evil twin to JWD in that case that is friendly to those few NeoCons around...
IMO ALL religion is man made and, with the exception of a few scattered individual churches, have an agenda of CONTROL. Religion and real spirituality have nothing in common. Associating with with like minded people in groups is fine, but no person or organization can teach you how to have a relationship with God. Each individuals relationship with the Divine is unique and personal.
chappy -
Hello again, I was just wondering. Has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from WTS & forming some sort of reformed JW church that isn't so controlling.
It is the control which is so compelling to the members!
The strictness appeals to people whose psychology (at that time and place) requires they obey and submit to authority.
Once you ever become healthy enough (including skepticism) to think for yourself you don't need authority anymore.
It is a stage of certain human development to require a mentor relationship in order to go to the next stage of life.
The "religious" aspect of authority makes the domination appear to be morally beneficial. It is a way of vetting your mentor.
But--religious dependance can't be a permanent way of life for a health and happy person.
Think of it this way. A family has two children. It is a strict family. One child rebels and goes off on their own to live their own life and make their own mistakes. The other child stays under the thumb of the parents hoping to gain approval.
The personality, psychology and character of each of these children is somewhat different. Each has to learn the same lesson, but, must do it a different way. Autonomy comes easily to the child who leaves, but, good sense about how to use it must come later. And, vice-verse for the child who remains under the parent's roof.
People who have autonomy do not join a group such as Jehovah's Witnesses. They join to BECOME health because it looks like a short-cut to happiness. But, it is more like putting all your money on number 7 red at the roulette wheel inVegas! It is an uninformed plunge into chaotic chance gambling one's future like that.
I'm not going to tell you people without any religious beliefs are better people, smarter people or happier people. They are simply made different from those who cling to the authority of religious indoctrination for secutiry.
Why does a dog chase cars? What would it do with one if it caugh it? That sort of thing.
Once you consider that Jehovah's Witnesses ARE a breakaway group from the Bible Students, and that the Bible Students ARE a breakaway group from the Second seems pretty silly.
Once you consider that Jehovah's Witnesses ARE a breakaway group from the Bible Students, and that the Bible Students ARE a breakaway group from the Second seems pretty silly.
Jews were a break with pagans.
Christians are a break with Jews.
Protestants are a break with Catholics.
Denominations are one orthodoxy breaking with another.
Sects come from control issues. Cults come from mind control issues.
It is a fracture of man's consciousness in the first place when he breaks off a piece of himself and projects it outward into god and devil (who are echos of himself.)
Integrity is the toughest issue for humanity: becoming one in mind and behavior.
Religion is trying to rule behavior by using the mind.