Hello again, I was just wondering. Has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from WTS & forming some sort of reformed JW church that isn't so controlling. Like Lurther & the Catholic church. You have 2 admit the very general framework of the JW organization is respectable. things like flag salute, military & political neutrality, building your own churches, door 2 door ministry, not passing around a collection plate & even the trinity explanation are reasonable. You have 2 admit ALOT of churches out there & outside JW representing Christ are lukewarm, let their members do ANYTHING they want & do VERY LITTLE 2 win souls. Just wondered..
JW splinter groups..
by fb130 24 Replies latest jw friends
JWs are a splinter group of the Bible Students.
There are splinter groups in the Eastern bloc who have rejected the many changes in teaching since they were cut off from the Watchtower Society during the cold war. When the cold war ended they thought that the Brooklyn leadership had apostacized!
Once some are finally done with JWs control, most of them don't want to get into another cult...let alone start a new one.
None of it is reasonable, I repeat none of it.
This is why - it is built on the immoral and false premise that the God they worship is just around the corner from destroying everybody on earth (except of course for the JWs, or in your example, the JW substitutes). This negates any worth they might have whatsoever.
Think about this - the Witnesses themselves are a splinter group; they come from the like-minded and equally failed prophecy of the Adventists.
Too much control by the Governing body. The fear of being called apostate is probably keeping those with 'breakaway' ideas in check. It has happend in the 1920's I think, did not last
Just another thought. If you wanted a less controlling version of the JWs, how would you maintain things like political neutrality or door to door magazine presenting (it isn't really preaching, is it?) How many JWs would go door knocking if they didn't have to report their hours, for instance? JWs aren't winning souls: the door to door work is hopelessly ineffective.
How would you censure members who didn't toe the slightly less controlling line without judicial kangaroo courts and shunning?
You wrote: You have 2 admit the very general framework of the JW organization is respectable
Nope! I find the general Jehovah's Witness framework dishonest, offensive, and disrespectable.
Witness beliefs are nothing more that dis-beliefs that require a counter believing group even for existence. Same with the neutrality claim. Being anti-established-government isn't being neutral, it's being politically active. Being silently indifferent is being neutral. -
In the great apostacy days of 1979 to 1982, there were many (unconfirmed) rumors of a splinter group in Colorado. I heard it over and over, mostly from the terrified loyal witness core in Oklahoma City, even to the extreme that Ed Dunlap was somehow responsible for it as their leader.
This was obviously never true, and Ed was both amused and horrified by the thought of it. We never found out who they really were, or even if they actually existed.
True religion is not a man-made organization. The body of true Christians is the "church". So, what religion should we acknowledge?
The bible tells us:
James 1:27
A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Now ask, does the Watchtower Society contribute to help orphans and widows? Homeless? Do they support any world-wide charity work?
The answer is "no".
Homerovah the Almighty
Good point Sacky