Basically, the Witnesses are doing everything "ass backward" - they make people do things that they don't want to do [door2door, being a prime example]; and they neglect to do what they should do ["church" [or congregation] brunches/suppers; child/youth activities in parallel with the meetings schedule, after all, why inflict torture on a kid by making him/her sit through those hideously boring meetings?; commmunity service and outreach programs; etc.].
Again, the analogy may be somewhat tenuous [and trite], but it will serve me just as well: A branch or vine cut off from the tree cannot survive very long. In many cases, things that have become isolate tend to wither, petrify, or ossify.
The thing is that much of what the Witnesses teach, and their methods of operation, are outdated. They may not necessarily be headed for oblivion, because I suppose that there will still exist a certain number of the "faithful" to carry on well into this century, at least. I fear that the Witnesses are headed for something worse than oblivion - utter irrelevancy.
At one time, the whole "Henny Penny/chicken little " idea ["The sky is falling! The sky is falling!] may have attracted people with a certain mindset. And who knows, maybe it can still attract some kinds of people.
But these people tend to get bored quickly and leave if their expectations are not met.
Perhaps the biggest question confronting the Witnesses is: Are there going to be enough "born-ins" to meet the needs of the organization. By all accounts, even many of those born into Witness families are leaving, leaving in droves as they say.
If this is ineed the case, will they be able to attract enough converts? In my view, they not be able to. Essentially, the modus operendi of the Witnesses has not evolved beyond that of mid nineteenth-century/early twentieth-century colportage. They're really nothing other than the little drones who used to lug those portable phonographs around with them as they went door to door. Their "spiel" is still canned and rehearsed. Perhaps they may still be able to hoodwink someone with absolutely no knowledge of the Bible. But upon encountering anyone with possessing even the slightest biblical or historical knowledge, they will be "blown out of the water," as it were; any "argument" that they put forth will be decimated and shreaded. "Babylon fell in the year 607?" POW! "See here. You take a few verses from the 'square hole' of the book of Daniel, and you pound them into the 'round hole' of the Book of Revelations, and you get the 1914 doctrine upon which our entire doctrine rests." POW! Anyone with the slightest inkling will be able utterly defeat a Witness in any debate.
And the irony is, at the very time when information about the Bible is increasing on the Internet and becoming more and more accessible, it seems that the Witnesses themselves are becoming less and less capable or willing to expound upon or defend their own teachings. I mean, what the hell are they to think when the definition of the term "generation" changes two or three times?
As I see it, the Witnesses as an organization are facing a "fork in the road."They can go down either one of two paths. They can either "go mainstream," giving up their contrarian, socially antagonistic ways. Or else, they can totally withdraw and become even more "apocalyptic." If this happens, there is always the danger of something bad happening.
Perhaps this dichotomy is too simplistic. Perhaps there is a third [or even fourth] way available to them. It just seems me that at this point in their movement's history, they are going to have to make big changes. Stasis would not seem to be an option. It will be interesting to see what happens. For their sake, I hope that wise decisions will be made.