Christians: I would like an answer, please.

by changeling 120 Replies latest jw friends


    The Bible teaches that there are two locations in the afterlife in which one may spend eternity. While they are literal places, as evidenced by what Jesus taught, they are not place that canbe adequately described with human terms. Therefore, gehenna or hades, what has been trtanslated into the word hell is described as a place of "utter darkness" "where the worm never dies" or "the like of fire." The logical law of non-contradiction tells one that this is not possible, that is why I hold to a metaphorical view of hell. This means that I accept hell as a literal place, but understand that the Bible uses metaphorical language to describe it.

    I do wish to address this point:

    I know what the BIble says

    Based on what I have seen from your post you have no idea what the Bible teaches nor what the differeing views within Christianity are. I honestly think that if you are going to reject something you should know something about it, rather than what you learned from a group that is NOT Christian.

    By the way I am a third generation JW. My father was a PO and substitute CO. However, when it came to the Bible, I really did not know it.

  • changeling

    JO, dawg: this is the point I'm making.

    "Christians" who can't say: "My religion teaches that unrepentant atheists will burn in hell", are no better, and just as hypocritical, as a JW who dodges the question: "Do you believe only JW's will be saved?".

    I know the answer to the question I posed, I just wanted to see if anyone would be honest enough to answer it truthfully and plainly.

    changeling ::

  • carla

    If one truly has the faith of an athiest, why would an athiest care what happens to them 'after'? or what others think? I am curious why athiests work so hard to defend their non belief in a non exisitent god ( in the mind of an athiest). Most Christians I know would recommend you read the bible and find out for yourself. Most Christians I know do not worry about where they are going, they know. They have enough of their own sins to worry about without worrying about yours too. If you were an athiest you would not believe yourself capable of 'sin', crime against society possibly but not sin in the traditional sense (non jw thought on sin not like jw's who think they don't sin, intentionally, whatever that really means) I think that is a jw hangover of yours? to believe that other faiths have hard and fast doctrines members MUST believe or else! They don't, non salvation issues do not distress Christians to disagree on. But your question seems to imply you have questions of your own salvation or survival as well as wondering what others think. There are countless paper written on the subject.

  • changeling

    carla: trust me, I know where i'm going, back to the ground just like everyone else. I was not seeking information I was looking for honesty.

    changeling :)

  • BurnTheShips
    "Christians" who can't say: "My religion teaches that unrepentant atheists will burn in hell", are no better, and just as hypocritical, as a JW who dodges the question: "Do you believe only JW's will be saved?".

    Several Chrisitans here, of several different stripes, have been very up front with you, why do you harp on hypocrisy when there is none here? You appear to act out of bigotry and prejudice.


  • BurnTheShips
    I was not seeking information I was looking for honesty.

    No, you are looking for something you can accuse Christians of. You are very transparent, Changeling.


  • *summer*
    I do not want your judgement or your opinion I want to know what your church/faith teaches on the subject or the fate of unbelievers

    I was born and raised Roman Catholic.

    And if memory serves me well, atheists will burn in hell forever and ever, amen!

    And I did not make the rules...ask the pope!

  • dawg

    Carla says... "I am curious why atheists work so hard to defend their non belief in a non existent god"..

    Well, I'm no atheist, but I can tell you why I attack Christianity... I honestly can't understand why you guys don't get what a sham it is. It really amazes me, I kid you not!

    I've really started thinking about the human mind lately, and I'm starting to wonder why folks defend what they know isn't true? I'm really trying to understand what happened to you folks... I'm serious.

  • changeling

    Transparent? Certainly! I have nothing to hide. I DON'T belieive in god. I don't believe anything good or bad will happen to any of us after death. I don't believe there is anyone manipulating human affairs for good or evil.

    What do YOU believe my transparent beliefs will get me? Any WHY can't you spell it out?

    changeling :)

  • changeling

    Was *summer* taught incorrectly?

    changeling :)

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