The Bible teaches that there are two locations in the afterlife in which one may spend eternity. While they are literal places, as evidenced by what Jesus taught, they are not place that canbe adequately described with human terms. Therefore, gehenna or hades, what has been trtanslated into the word hell is described as a place of "utter darkness" "where the worm never dies" or "the like of fire." The logical law of non-contradiction tells one that this is not possible, that is why I hold to a metaphorical view of hell. This means that I accept hell as a literal place, but understand that the Bible uses metaphorical language to describe it.
I do wish to address this point:
I know what the BIble says
Based on what I have seen from your post you have no idea what the Bible teaches nor what the differeing views within Christianity are. I honestly think that if you are going to reject something you should know something about it, rather than what you learned from a group that is NOT Christian.
By the way I am a third generation JW. My father was a PO and substitute CO. However, when it came to the Bible, I really did not know it.