Hello Atheists......need advice

by wings 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • HAL9000
    How do you deal with "no faith"?

    It isn't something that I "deal" with - I accept that there are things that I do not know or cannot explain. I also recognise that there is much that we now know that could only be "explained" by mysticism and that this discovery process will continue

    What do you put faith in?

    Myself and what I know I can depend on - a select group of people who I can depend upon. I do not put faith in human mysticism

    How was you transition from belief to non belief?

    I was not a JW but belonged to the Anglican Church up until I was 18 (now in 50's) - it was a gradual disaffection with the entirely human basis/rationale of religion and the realisation that I had not benefitted from any of the practices / rituals / sacrifices that were "required". By my early 20's I had transitioned to a "belief free" state. Happily.

    Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why?

    No. Others have a different path through life. As long as they accept that my path is different to theirs I am happy for them. Each to their own.


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    I am not a linguistic expert, just an amateur, but I think

    "agnostic" is one of the most mispronounced words ever.

  • Caedes

    Personally I was never a believer but I was kind of agnostic from an early age, it was only when I started to really think about it that I made the transition to full atheism. Although it wasn't a huge change in opinion it was very liberating.

    Do I still have faith? Yes, in people, friendship and love.

    I found reaching the stage where I realised that your time on earth is it, no re-runs, no second chance makes your life seem much more in focus. By comparison JWs I know drift through life just wasting it because of a vague promise of eternal life. (Obviously not all religuous people do this)

    Do I still have an appreciation of the majesty of the world and universe or of a beautiful sunset? Most definitely, you have to make the most of those moments.

    I believe that theists have the right to say what they like and believe what they like, even to try and convert me!

  • Satanus

    I'm not exactly atheist, even though i agree w them on some things. I fall into the animist pantheist, i guess. This has a spiritual theme, while respecting nature and science. You see, there are more choices than just christian or atheist. My faith is in the collective subconscious, human first, which is somewhat jungian.


  • gloobster

    How do you deal with faith?

  • kitsune

    Hello Wings! I guess I was a "closet" atheist for all the years that I stayed in before I finally made the break. There were many things both about the JW doctrine in general and other religions that just never sat right with me. I wish to offend no one with my opinions so I apologize if I do. To answer your questions:

    How do you deal with "no faith"?
    I think is relative depending on what you are talking about. I have faith and belief that if the sky is dark and I thunder, that it will rain. However, when it comes to an entity controlling my life and telling me how I need to live or else I will die, I don't have any faith or belief in that at all. I never really found it to be an issue as I lost "faith" in a godhead long ago.

    What do you put faith in?
    Humanity. We have a lot a problems, but a study of history shows that all that is going on is just the growing pains of a young civilization (this country) and a world coping with rapid change. Countries, religion, peoples; they all go through it and so far, have come out the other end okay. It starts one person at a time. People don't need religion to be moral, we know when we do something against nature, even the scriptures acknowledge that. I treat my fellow humans with respect because they are people like me. I respect the planet we live on and do my part to help keep it clean and healthy for the future generations and fellow man. Scientific discoveries are making religious belief look more and more archaic, the leftover myth of a species that couldn't explain rain, growing cycles, lunar/solar eclipses, and had to make up something that could. I put my faith in each person to, in their own time, realize this and make this world a better place.

    How was you transition from belief to non belief?
    It took years and years and years of in depth research for me. I holed myself up in libraries and used online libraries and searches to read papers and books about anthropology, physics, chemistry, biology, religions of the world, the list could go on for awhile. After reading all this material, it was plain to me that religion, in its entirety, just wasn't necessary. There was nothing in any religion I studied or service I attended that made me feel that there was a godhead or some kind of spirit to move me. I many people who have been moved, it just never happened to me. What helped me the most was by immersing myself in projects that helped people. I volunteer a lot. I work in the non-profit education industry by choice so that I can help students of all background learn more about the marvelous universe we live in, even though I make squat money at it. I work with charities and help organize events for "lower income" families whenever I can. I find this work more rewarding than any amount of hours I spent knocking on doors.

    Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why?
    It only bothers me when they push it in my face. No matter how calmly I talk and no matter how many facts I present, people who want to talk to you about their God aren't willing to listen to any other line of thought (not just JWs). Recently a co-worker of mine died and I sat next to my boss who streamed tears and declared that she was mad at God for taking such a wonderful person. She didn't care if he needed an angel. She was young and bright and didn't deserve to be taken by God. This line of thinking made me sick to my stomach. I was a wreck from the loss of my friend, but it made me more angry that everyone had an idea about where she went depending on what religion they were. She is apparently in heaven, but also coming back soon in some other form to help guide us, and maybe in limbo if she hadn't made it to church that weekend. If only they listened to themselves.

  • *summer*
    Nate(Know it all ex-elder that has got it all figured out and thinks that everything can be put in a nice, neat little package. Oh, let's not forget, pompous asshole too.)

    That was totally uncalled for on this thread~

  • nvrgnbk
    Nate(Know it all ex-elder that has got it all figured out and thinks that everything can be put in a nice, neat little package. Oh, let's not forget, pompous asshole too.)
    That was totally uncalled for on this thread~

    Why do you say that, *summer*?

    That's no reflection at all on wings.

    It goes with the common belief that atheists are arrogant and think they have it all figured out.

    If wings is leaning towards atheism, she must be aware of that.

  • *summer*


    in all honesty, you provided a great reply to this thread.

    It goes with the common belief that atheists are arrogant and think they have it all figured out.

    This statement is self explanatory enough. Why dig out a comment from another poster and bring it to this thread in a sarcastic way to reinforce your point?

  • Galileo
    How do you deal with "no faith"?

    If you define "faith" as belief without evidence, then I've never had it. Once I realised the "evidence" I had been given from birth was flawed, I discarded it in favor of better evidence.

    What do you put faith in?

    As a follow up to question one, that is an oxymoron. However, if by this usage of faith you mean belief in something that might happen or might be true based on incomplete data, then I would say I have faith in science and human intellect. I have faith in human potential.

    How was you transition from belief to non belief?

    Extremely painful. I bought intellectual honesty at a tremendous cost in relationships, including my marriage, and my own emotional stability for a time. In the end, it was worth all that I paid and more.

    Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why?

    Yes. I believe faith in God is destructive, retards intellectual growth, slows human progress, justifies the worst types of atrocities. Religion causes people to accept morally repugnant ideas, and has far reaching effects even for those outside of their particular belief system.

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