Please Watch this Video, and Tell Me if I'm Over-Reacting

by jamiebowers 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Hideous, and somehow surreal. Like it doesn't mean anything, not a big deal. The video of the kids talk was worse, just seeing the podium and hearing the "brother"s voice.

  • GermanXJW

    My comment: This scene reminds me of a three year old Muslim girl shown on Iqraa TV who states that Jews are "apes and pigs" because "Allah" said so "in the Qur'an". Religion is a snare and a racket. JW are a cult. (The three-year-old Muslim girl is shown in Wilders' anti-Islamic propaganda movie Fitna.)

  • BurnTheShips
    My comment: This scene reminds me of a three year old Muslim girl shown on Iqraa TV who states that Jews are "apes and pigs" because "Allah" said so "in the Qur'an".

    This is the clip:

  • KW13

    i really feel mad right now, and that aint even my family in this video, its crazy?!?! wtf is this about, its disgusting a child should even be stopped from speaking to her uncle, it'll only do longterm damage.

  • amama2six

    I keep watching the video and all I can think is "child molester". Now obviously I don't know anything about the man and most likely he's NOT one...but he SOUNDS like one. I think it's due to the fact that child molesters have that tone with small children (I should know, I lived with one for 3 1/2 years)'s their way of brainwashing the young mind to trust them while incorporating their filthy actions slowly until they can get away with it and not have the child rat them out or even realize what they're doing is wrong. He may not be a brainwashing child molester, but he's a brainwashing JW parent and I guess it ends up sounding the same.

  • seawolf

    Just watching that video makes me want to hurl. Getting a child repeating that crap when the girl should just be able to enjoy growing up and BEING A LITTLE GIRL not reciting that crap.

  • changeling

    Talk about not understanding the implication of their beliefs!

    I can't believe these people posted that on Youtube thinking it was cute!

    I'd like the link, please, so I can post a comment.

    changeling :)

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Here is my video response to this pathetic little show the witness posted. I think its appropriate.

    Let me know your opinions. Rate, comment subscribe. W.Once TBB'S

  • ldrnomo

    I think that family is DIPSFUNCHUNOL especially because they have posted this on youtube for everyone to see. Does it make them proud?


  • jamiebowers

    Here is the link: Sorry, can't get link to post. Can someone else do it?

    WOW, Wasanelder Once, very powerful video!

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