Monkey trial

by moman 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    Sir, you lack knowledge! I have the “chart” that is approved for class work that does show the progression from ape to man and the neanderthals are in the progression. However, the chart was approved in 1995

    I have no idea how such things are approved, and neither do I care. It has been known for around 50 years, if not more, that there were two contemporary "races" of humans, cro magnon and neanderthal, at one time. Both wre humans, none were apes (except in the same sense that modern humans are apes). Most think neanderthals went totally extinct, others argue that there is some evidence the there were crossbreeding with cro magnon.

    I know it's a waste to tell you this; you are simply too fanatical to care or even read what I say, like you haven't bothered to really read any of the stuff you posted.

    You know for sure that when someone comes along with the "2nd law of thermodynamics" argument they are really clueless. It applies to closed systems. The earth is an open system. Try to get educated.

    And, escargot, How come you didn't answer my initial question about genes and throwbacks, repeated so many times now? I will keep repeating it until you do.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Escargot

    “”“3) The second law of thermodynamics does not contradict evolution anymore than it contradicts the forming of snowflakes or the development of a fetus into a baby. It is true that on the whole thermodynamics means that at the end there will ultimately be entropy, but until then there are pockets of reduced entropy. This is caused by energy sources, such as the sun. If the earth was a closed system, then everything would wind down into complete entropy, but since the sun provides energy, the earth is a pocket of reduced entropy. They second law of thermodynamics has been refuted as an objection against evolution a long time ago. People who hold to this belief understand neither Evolution nor thermodynamics.”

    Rubbish, your comparing snow to evolution is a red herring. A renowned Evolutionist, Buckminster Fuller, remarked “Evolution is an eddy in the second law of thermodynamics.” The fact remands that the complexity to man (the top) to the single cell (the bottom) should be reversed, in evolution.

    Also, to not understand the connection regarding “common ancestor” shows your ignorance of the subject. I refer you to my last postfor the awnser.

  • rem


    Please note the connection of Apes to Neanderthals. Also, why the divergence of the lines if we come from the same source? Time to make up a new fact, right? DNA shows that there is NOT a
    Do you even understand what Mitochondrial DNA is? It is not necessary for Mitochondrial DNA to match for there to be a relationship between species. Just because Neanderthals are not our direct ancestors does not mean that we are not related to them. Here is a graphical tree that might make it more clear. I'm not sure how up to date this is:

    Your Savannah theory rebuttal is clearly a straw-man. I've never heard anyone say that Neanderthals evolved in the Savannahs. Their ancestors did, though. Can you explain why other animals would have to evolve similar adaptations? Apes and hominids filled a niche, that other animals were not prepared to fill. Why would you expect to see other animals adapt in the same way?


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Escargot


    Throwbacks? Have you not been reading my posts?

  • rem


    Again, you post something you don't understand:

    Rubbish, your comparing snow to evolution is a red herring. A renowned Evolutionist, Buckminster Fuller, remarked “Evolution is an eddy in the second law of thermodynamics.”
    Um, yeah? So? He said exactly what I said. On the whole entropy will win. In trillions of years space will be practically empty nothingness because of thermodynamics. But until then, there will be "pockets" or "eddies" of reduced entropy because of energy sources. If it were true that thermodynamics meant that nothing could become more complex, then we couldn't very well have snowflakes or human beings from fetuses, could we? Or do you not understand that concept?

    Perhaps you should go back to the seventh grade, cuz you are certainly getting schooled here.

    This is way too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. It's just not fun anymore.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Escargot

    Your chart is fact, right? Love the question marks. All based on sound science, right?

    What? You are not acquainted with the Savanna theory? Holy shit! No wonder we are having trouble connecting. You don’t know the main stream theory, Sorry, now I see why we are not connecting. Man, do some research! Don’t discredit your own people! Or, Do you believe in the new “pop Evolution” theories going around and around?

    Straw man, yea, right........

  • rem

    Escargot - Again, you twist what I said.

    It is accepted that our ancestors came from the African Savannas. I have no problem with that. The problem comes with the "Neanderthal" in parentheses that you or the author added (it was clearly a cut and paste job). The ancestors of the Neanderthals adapted and evolved in that environment, not the Neanderthals themselves.

    Perhaps you should read about it in African Exodus by Christopher Stringer. It's a very good book. Now what was that about me doing some research? LOL

    As far as the question marks - no one says we have all of the answers yet, but we have a pretty good picture of what happened. It's a whole hell of a lot better science than just saying "god did it".

    You are clearly an intellectually dishonest person and I am becoming tired of clearing up all of your misconceptions and twistings of my words. Please try and be serious and educate yourself.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Escargot

    The only thing you have shot is your foot! Your mis-quoting, dismissing your own people, shows your intent. I have given Names, dates and much more, and still you cannot admit there is other information to consider.

    Last post.....

    However, I will rethink your claim that you came from an Ape. You really got me thinking.

  • rem


    Are we speaking the same language?


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • JanH


    You are the incarnation of all the unscrupulous, ignorant and thoroughly dishonest creationists I have seen on this board and elsewhere.

    You ignore issues, ignore direct questions, copy & paste articles you don't have a clue what says, throws out endless lists of wild assertions that has been debunked thousands of times here, you refuse to back up assertions, refuse to explain exactly why you think certain arguments even support your position, and you make extremely arrogant claims when met with rebuttals from people who -- very unlike you -- know what they are talking about.

    Moreover, you intentionally misrepresent what you opponents say. That, sir, makes you a liar.

    Answer this: if whales are not descendants of land dwelling animals, explain how modern whales can sometimes be born with hind legs! (or humans with tails, for that matter).

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

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