Sir, you lack knowledge! I have the “chart” that is approved for class work that does show the progression from ape to man and the neanderthals are in the progression. However, the chart was approved in 1995
I have no idea how such things are approved, and neither do I care. It has been known for around 50 years, if not more, that there were two contemporary "races" of humans, cro magnon and neanderthal, at one time. Both wre humans, none were apes (except in the same sense that modern humans are apes). Most think neanderthals went totally extinct, others argue that there is some evidence the there were crossbreeding with cro magnon.
I know it's a waste to tell you this; you are simply too fanatical to care or even read what I say, like you haven't bothered to really read any of the stuff you posted.
You know for sure that when someone comes along with the "2nd law of thermodynamics" argument they are really clueless. It applies to closed systems. The earth is an open system. Try to get educated.
And, escargot, How come you didn't answer my initial question about genes and throwbacks, repeated so many times now? I will keep repeating it until you do.
- Jan
"Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets