Additional support for the "end to COs" speculation?

by sir82 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    On the "C/Os in the UK" thread, a newbie poster named "ernie" posted this:

    Have the rumours about getting rid of COs been confirmed? Although not officially in the public domain , my understanding is that COs will not be given a new assignment after their existing one ends on Aug 31st 2009. Each CO has been sworn to confidentiality on this matter. WTS still working on the details & many COs annoyed at lack of information. Still some question about whether all will be reassigned as special pioneers - looks like each CO will be treated on a case by case basis. Those who have a home are being "encouraged" to return there. Some COs are already sorting their futures out & have come off or will be by end of service year.

    Transitionally , the foreign language circuits are already in the process of being disbanded and will be serviced by existing COs from 1.9.08. No new substitute COs are being recruited.

    The post was buried deep in that thread, and I thought it deserved its own.

    There have been numerous threads on this board speculating about a change such as this. Anyone else heard of this apparently concrete date of 8/31/2009?

  • Seeker4

    Think we ought ot keep this at the top of the pile. Very interesting info.

    That original quote was from a new poster in the UK. Maybe we could get them to elaborate?


  • SirNose586

    Although the condensed schedule cuts the need for a weeklong CO visit, I still doubt them cutting their "eyes and ears" in the field...

  • sir82
    I still doubt them cutting their "eyes and ears" in the field...

    My theory (and others' as well) is that there will still be a quasi-CO who will serve as a connection between WTS and the the individual congregations. Probably an elder regularly assigned to a congregation, who will go to visit 5 or 6 other congregations twice a year.

    But that quasi-CO will only have to visit a congregation from Friday evening thru Sunday, thus allowing him to work full time and pay his own way. I.e., the Society no longer pays for anything related to CO (or quasi-CO) expenses, but they still have an "inspector general" to browbeat the troops.

  • tresdecu

    I'll bet all the 'laid-off' COs (if this prooves true) will settle down in their respective areas, and they would just be the new 'uber-elder' assigned to police

    ...I mean sheep-herd the flock. This makes the most sense, as they have all the experience.

  • sir82

    I'll bet all the 'laid-off' COs (if this prooves true) will settle down in their respective areas, and they would just be the new 'uber-elder' assigned to police

    ...I mean sheep-herd the flock. This makes the most sense, as they have all the experience.

    Sort of like being fired from your job, then "invited" back to do the same work, but as a contractor at half the pay & no benefits.

    That will do wonders for morale!

  • tresdecu


    Exactly! Good analogy.

  • treadnh2o

    Laid off Circuit Overseers?

    Sounds like a whole new territory for us Apostates!!!

  • yknot

    In the twisted world of Ted's Head.......

    Wouldn't tattletale spy thing work better. Brother A audits D, D does B etc and then is rotated to keep things stirred up and people on their theocratic toes.

    Competition and peer pressure are quite effect motivators

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I know of a couple that just got accepted into the circuit work here in the States, starting next month. We have a new CO assigned starting this September.

    I'm clueless on this one. I would be surprised if the CO arrangement was trashed as dramatically as some have described... but, I would be very, very happily surprised!!

    To a great extent, the circuits and congregations already pay most of the CO expenses I think. The Society 'collects' from each Cong, per publisher, an amount to cover the health and auto expenses. And every time the CO visits a cong, he gives his receipts to be reimbursed for food, gas, dry cleaning, toilet paper, etc. And at each circuit event, there's a resolution for the elders to approve reimbursing him for any apartment, office, and every other receipt he ever saved. I think our last CO was pocketing a fair amount of cash in the end. So, I don't know whether the COs are directly a big expense to the bOrg. However, I wonder if they're thinking the COs are getting a lot of cash that Brooklyn ought to be collecting for themselves. I just don't know. But I'm not losing sleep... it's their problem now not Billy's problem at all !

    B the X

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