Question Box, September KM, 2009.
If both parents participate in child indoctrination sessions, they can EACH count one hour per week of Field Circus time.
Hail the Theocracy, ever increasing!
by Open mind 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Question Box, September KM, 2009.
If both parents participate in child indoctrination sessions, they can EACH count one hour per week of Field Circus time.
Hail the Theocracy, ever increasing!
How the hey did this happen??? Husbandly headship being ursurped in print??......ugh......oompa
Gotta do something to keep those numbers up. Now couples can claim 8 hours without ever leaving the house.
Kwin they are getting desperate if they are letting her count time tooo.....
What is next pioneer hours reduced to 30?
You know, this brings up an interesting thing: that is so many hours are counted on the same hour of actual ministry. For example, two going door to door count a total of two hours, but only spend one hour together. The Society reporting 1+Billion hours a year makes it sound like 1+Billions hours were spent knocking on people's doors, when in reality, even if all that time is legit, doubling up on reporting would halve it.
km11/03p.3QuestionBox***ShouldafamilyBiblestudybereportedtothecongregation?If a Christian parent conducts a family Bible study and unbaptized children are involved, the parent may report a maximum of one hour a week, one return visit a week, and one home Bible study a month. This is the case even if the study lasts for more than one hour, is conducted more than once a week, or is conducted with the children individually.—See the OurMinistry book, p. 104.***
If all in the household are baptized Witnesses, then neither the time nor the study itself is reported as field service (unless a child is still studying the second book after baptism). This is because the congregation’s field service report reflects primarily what is being accomplished in preaching the good news and teaching Bible truth to those who are not dedicated and baptized servants of Jehovah. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) However, this in no way diminishes the importance of holding such a study regularly.
It is the responsibility of Christian parents to study with their children. Those who need assistance in establishing or improving their family study may ask the elders for help. If circumstances make it advisable for another publisher to conduct a Bible study with an unbaptized son or daughter of a Christian family associated with the congregation, the presiding overseer or service overseer should be consulted. If such a study is approved, the one conducting it may report it just as he or she would any other Bible study.
Training children in Jehovah’s ways involves far more time and effort than appears on a field service report. (Deut. 6:6-9; Prov. 22:6) Christian parents are to be commended for shouldering their weighty responsibility to bring up their children "in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah."—Eph. 6:4.
I thought both parents could count the time and the return visit but only one parent could count a bible study (no longer counted); much the same way if 2 jws go on a study with the same unbaptized individual (not necessarily a family member).
So is that a change?
Did it used to be the conductor/daddy could only count the hours in the family study?
You meant September 2008, right?
It's impossible for the JW's to put in 1 Billion hours a year of field service because there are not that many hours in a year!
Typical. When the stats are dropping - change the rules. Hopefully they'll run out of tricks soon.
This isn't just about hours - this is about publisher count. How many people won't go door to door because they don't want to be hypocritical? But they are still "in" and wouldn't feel bad about putting down numbers for talking to the kids (whether it was strict study or not). These people would have been inactive (and out of the pub count) otherwise.