We have never belonged to that organization and never will.
It's all in the wording. The Society has never been a member of the United Nations and it never will. Only national governments can be members of the United Nations.
What the Society did was gain status as a recognized NGO (non-governmental organization). Their excuses for doing so (to gain a library card) have been proven false. It's not so much being an NGO so much as how one has to go about to become an NGO. Years of bad-mouthing and condemning the UN as the image of the Wild Beast only to turn around and actully fill out paper work so as to be recognized as a suiter is the actual scandal.
I think it's important for anyone who wants to use this scandal as a stake to the heart in an argument to understand the issue inside and out and be careful to use the proper terminology. If you tell a JW that the Sociey joined the UN and they actually do the research and learn that it's impossible for that to happen, they're going to figure it's just some apostate garbage and discontinue the research and return to mother and her warm embrace.