im an atheist and i like the idea that comes with freedom of though and analytical thinking that follows being atheistic vs having a religion im just kinda in a jam because i need to try and find something to completely lose the thoughts in the back of my head that say what if im wrong and i "suffer" because of it. i feel that if i can find something to destroy these thoughts i can be alot more comfortable with my views and opinions. anyone have any thoughts on what i should do. what did u guys do when u became atheists? i feel like its alot easier to remain agnostic and in a state of neutrallity rather than to actively choose a position. what do u guys think?
im an atheist and i like the idea of being an athiest but its kinda hard
by Lotus65 43 Replies latest jw friends
Eyes Open
Say a prayer and honestly ask God to let you know if you're wrong. If he doesn't...
You are sooo not an atheist if you feel that way, dude.
changeling :)
Sorry, I just noticed you're 17. That changes things, IMO. You are probably feeling vulnerable, like leaving home for the first time. That's ok. You can always go back home and you can always go back to believing. Keep thinking, keep reading, you'll figure it out.
changeling :)
If you base your decisions off of what will happen to you if you don't do something don't you think that god will know and still punish you? The genie is out of the bottle and you can't put him back, you will never be a true believer again so you might as well get used to it and go on living your life!
I've been where you are now and wanted to still believe there was something more, then I came the realization that I only felt that way based on the fear factor. The one embedded into my mind from birth, and once I let go of that, I realized if I am wrong, it wont' matter. I live each day trying to be a better human and at the end of the day, living with concern for your fellow man while you are living the only life you know is a sure thing is much better than worrying about a possible future life controlled by someone or something unseen and unanswering and who no one has proof exists at all. IMO
I'd rather have one life on my terms, than eternity on someone else's.
I look at it like this.
There are so many unanswered questions, the bible looks like a big fairy tale at this point. My main question is what kind of God would allow all the death and mayhem that has happened since history has been recorded just to prove a point?
What helped me was using my Dad as an example of a good father. My Dad never hurt me. If I did something wrong he didn't kill or maim me. He was never a witness, but he does believe in a higher power----just not exactly like he was taught.
Whether Jesus is a fictional character or not doesn't matter to me. He's a good role model. While all the religion of the day were causing pain and alienation, He tried to show us how to treat each other. I also think all the "sins" are man made. I don't necessarily believe Paul's writings because they seem to contradict with Christ. Don't ask me to explain that, it's just a gut feeling.
Take your time, and don't forget to breathe.
Become a "FREETHINKER" ... don't pigeon hole yourself like so many do.
it isn't eeny meeny miney mo - it's based on what you understand about the universe around you. Keep learning, you'll come to a conclusion one of these days. Some atheists are just as narrow-minded as some religious people. So atheism doesn't necessarily equal independence of thought.
Lady Zombie
Becoming atheist is a journey unto itself. You'll go through many stages.
I suggest doing what I did and start reading and studying leading atheist writers and scientists.
Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion"
Christopher Hitchens, author of "God Is Not Great" and "The Portable Atheist" a must have for all atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers.
Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith"
Victor J. Stenger, author of "God: The Failed Hypothesis"
Carl Sagan, author of books "The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God" and "The Demon-haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark"
And of course, read your Darwin! "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"