I recently started studying Buddhism and found it to be very deep but most of it makes a lot of sense. Any other Buddhists posting here.
Any Buddhists here?
by DevonMcBride 31 Replies latest jw friends
I am not Buddhists, just good to see you post!
I remember you!!!
cognizant dissident
In typical buddhist fashion, I will eschew labelling myself with any "ists" or "isms", but I do regularly read western buddhist pshychology and philosophy and attend a weekly meditation and discussion group, as well as try to practice meditation daily (not very disciplined at it I'm afraid)
Hi Devon,
Nice to see a familiar face.
I am athiest, but of all the so called religions, I enjoy Buddism. When I climb, I try to leave prayer flags on all my summits. It has more to do with the eastern culture and they're kind attitudes - and I believe in Karma. If I ever had to join a religion, it would be Buddism.
Take care, and all the best to you.
I don't know if it is exactly Buddhism but I just signed up for a yoga/meditation class (nondualism) for Sunday morning. I will let you know how it goes.
There is one way. JESUS ! All other paths lead off into damnation. Be careful freinds ! I know we were all hurt very bad by the terrible cult of Jehovah Witnesses but don't leave Christ. He wants you !
My long-time VietNamese girlfriend is Buddhist. They are from a divided religion family - about half and half Buddhist and Catholic. For what it may be worth, I have found the Buddhist side to be far more settled in their lives and far better balanced.
At first, this religion seemed very off-putting, what with all the mystery and symbolism. I have now come to view it as something really very simple - almost as if it were more of a philosophy than a hard-core religion.
After a time, I have also come to view it as probably the most tolerant and diplomatic of all the world's major faiths.
Many so-called Christians would not go far wrong to learn to imitate some of the kindness and general humanity that this religion teaches.
There is one way. JESUS ! All other paths lead off into damnation. Be careful freinds ! I know we were all hurt very bad by the terrible cult of Jehovah Witnesses but don't leave Christ. He wants you !
I think some of us would rather have the damnation than to post this way.
BlackSwan of Memphis
There is one way. JESUS ! All other paths lead off into damnation. Be careful freinds ! I know we were all hurt very bad by the terrible cult of Jehovah Witnesses but don't leave Christ. He wants you !
That is YOUR way and it sounds like it works for you. For many others, they take a different path to spirituality. Devon: I'm not Buddhist. Not anything right now. However, the principles of Buddhism stick with me on a day to day basis. What form are you looking at? From what I gather there are several different 'kinds'. I guess I would say branches of it. Just curious.
I didn't mean to offend any one. I just would want that every one could feel what I do. Just open you're heart !