be careful, one of the biggest trolls to this board is a buddhist, They are not all nicey-nice like they portray to be.
Any Buddhists here?
by DevonMcBride 31 Replies latest jw friends
cognizant dissident
be careful, one of the biggest trolls to this board is a buddhist, They are not all nicey-nice like they portray to be.
That's right. Buddhist trolls are not genuinely nice like those Christian trolls who so frequently visit JWD! Approach with caution!
If you buy into this buddhist-metaphysical crap you will just be trading one lie for another. This is the "up and coming one religion".
Some of these philosophies are beginning to seep into the christian churches and I expect the Watchtower will eventually teach it too.
Supposedly some old scrolls have been found from Solomon's Temple that show that Jesus spent his years from age 14 to 26 in India.
Now some are making word accociation s like Christ=Khristos=Krishna. Are they saying Christ was Krishna? Maybe.
Islam-Christianity-Judaism are all Abrahamic religions. The word Abraham is rooted from Brahamin. A Brahamin is a Hindu priest.
The hindu sacred cow thing....the Jewish sacrificial cow on the altar....there are many connections.
Archeologists now say they have found that Jesus was actually buried in India and they have the grave and bones for proof.
If you go in for this new age-buddhist-metaphysical stuff, these are some of the teachings:
What if heaven were a state of mind and not a location?
What if I suffered just to suffer?
What if love was beyond what I know?
Become everything.
What if there was no story?
What if I say yes to everything?
Nothing will last...does this really matter?
How can we go where we already are?
You get the drift. It's a bunch of lofty platitudes. You perceive you understand it, but its still just as much nonsense as the watchtowers twisted words.
I am you. You are me. We are one. You are source creation. You are the full expression of god.
God is within. We are god.
It's is the coming teaching of the one world religion. Right now, the churches and synagogues are calling it "Inter Faith Activities". Last year they even had a group of Hindu dancers in the synagogue.
Deny the knowledge of Jesus and the promise of resurrection and there is nothing left but desolation.
Jesus will not be invisible when he comes back.
The Temple of Oneness was just opened in April. Pretty soon they will spring this on the christian as the "rebuilt temple" to replace solomon's temple. It is not very ornate; its just floors, archways, roof, beautifully laid out and designed. Hindu dancers, chanters, etc. Probably snake charmers next. It's all a buncy of boohey.
The scary thing is that they have designed this temple to fit with the landscape of Rev. 22. The lighting is holographic orbs displayed in the air all over the Golden City (that's what they call it). And the worship is organized to have 8,000 people at all times in four shifts to fill the temple.
Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life. No one comes to the father except through Him.
The buddhist religion and the coming one world religion demotes Jesus to just another prophet. Failing to recognize that Jesus is all we have is the spirit of the anti-christ.
cognizant dissident
Is that in the Bible or is the Bible in us?
I'm trying to be all deep and profound here H.S. and you are cracking jokes!
I'm Zen Buddhist and I can recommend a few sites to visit. This one is pretty good.
This is my favorte:
Thich Nhat Hanh has written at least 2 books about Jesus and Buddha. I use,, the market place.
I'm very drawn to those teachings,but Jesus teachings are also loving and kind,-you just don't see people reflecting it.
to cognizant:
Questions posed to make one think and reflect for oneself and not rely on other religious leaders to do it for you.
Thinking and deep contemplation is a good thing. If those questions can cause people to realize that they have the right to think for themselves...then it's a very good thing. I think JWs have been so oppressed that their thinking abilities have atrophied. The hard cores are so dependent they have to ask the elders if ice cream is OK. You know what I mean.
A lot of people involved in "christian" religions have begun to bail too, because they are seeing the lies there, as well.
These questions would be well and good if it were not for the fact that it leads into a blasphemous philosophy that "we are god." Just because I plant a seed and water it, does that mean I can make a flower?
In other religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism especially, one must constantly deny self and become something else, perfect, holy, sacrificing, the list is endless depending on which denomination you belong to. This type of striving to become other than what we are, leads to unhappiness and depression for many people. For of course, they are always failing, never measuring up, never good enough. Punishment and eternal damnation is always a mere "grape" of God's wrath away!
You are 100% absolutely right and accurate. I agree wholeheartedly. These religions are based on else would the rabbi make money? Why do you think Jesus turned the bird cages over and broke the tables of the money changers at the temple? He tried to expose the fraud of it all.
From all I have seen the Watchtower is the very worst of the religions. They control through fear and guilt. The penance for unworthiness is stiff. Watchtower consumes your whole life with meetings 5 days a week, making you beg on street corners and at doors to get money or converts to bring in more money, they get your children by default and maybe a few other relatives, and they can take your life, your loves, and your sanity in a moments notice.
You speak of "one religion" in a disparaging way. Yet, isn't that really the aim of Christianity? Isn't their goal to unite all mankind
NO. It is not the aim of christianity to unite mankind. It may give that impression with some words on the surface, but ALL religions are elitists. Each one thinks that "god" is exclusive to them. Christianity has done more to divide people than it ever has to unite them. It has done more to provoke war than to unite. Every sect has something that makes them exclusive to god and different from the rest. The Jews will quickly remind you that they are "God's Chosen". In other words, they are First and Best and you probably don't stand a chance! Then the christians will say "oh, no you're not. Not anymore. You forfeited your inheritence!" And then the JWs will come along and say "We are god's mouthpiece. We are the only truth." Do you have any idea how many religions say that they are the only ones with the truth? Jws are not the only ones who say that.
You speak of "one religion" in a disparaging way
Yes. Because this is the crux of the great deception that is soon to be played out. I see it as a pit fall. It is an idealistic pursuit. It will not be what it seems. "One religion" would mean that all would have to (again) participate in a beehive mentality. As long as it is a religion there will be dictates. Where there are dictates there can be no freedom of thought. It is another trap. The "eastern" religions are a new twist on views, especially considering amerika has been labeled "a christian nation" and it is the majority.
People are sick of the lies of their christian religions. Much of it has surfaced now. Christianity has faced up to the pagan holidays and some have even preached it from the pulpit now. People are ready for a change. They will readily accept the new wave of individual enlightenment as opposed to the subservience to orthodoxy. The pursuit of mystical oneness was at the heart of early Christianity. It was consumed by the business of religion as it became incorporated and mixed with Judaism and other Babylonian superstitions.
Buddhist philosophy recognizes "the one-ness" and "inter-connectedness" of all sentient beings in the present moment.
There are a lot of people I am in no way connected to nor would I want to be.
It does not wait for a vengeful God to intervene in and force "oneness" upon us.
The problem, as I see it, is the very concept of this god. If you understand who and what this god is, then you would have your answers.
The old testament is a compilation of various gods. Somewhere along the way through mis-translations, ommissions, and assumptions, all these deities got rolled into one. This became the "Yhwh/Jehovah" that people refer to today. This deity is a malevolent spirit. It is very clear this force is destructive and NOT creative as he refers to himself as a god of armies, among other undesirable characteristics.
2 Corinthians 4:4 (Wycliff) in which [the] god of this world, that is, the devil, hath blinded the souls of unfaithful men, that the lightening of the gospel of the glory of Christ, which is the image of God, shine not
Most of the world does not knowingly worship Satan, they are deceived. They have chosen religion over truth. You have seen that for yourself in the Watchtower.
committing of atrocities against their fellow man in the name of their respective God.
That will soon stop. The UN has some ideas to put those plans into operation. They have some very strong dictates coming about. As the scripture says "who can make war with the Beast?" None. Because these new policies are solid. No religion will be allowed to claim exclusivity to god. Also, JWs and Mormons will no longer be allowed to go door to door prostelytizing. These are things that no one will argue with. They are good things. People are sick of having these things forced on them on street corners and at their doors. No one will argue or make war with the beast. They will be glad to see these new laws come about.
The problem is god. There are some major problems with this deity. I do not think god is our creator.
Our creators were plural. "let US make man in OUR image". It was at least a joint effort if not a team effort. I suspect it was likely a team of scientists from another civilization.
If our creators were plural, then why do we give credit to a single deity who shows more proclivity for a destructive nature than a creative one?
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this.
cognizant dissident
I think the big problem is that the word "god" has been used interchangeably, both to describe our creators as well as to describe the nephilim deities that set themselves up to be worshipped. Scripture has given adequate warning that Satan's purpose was to usurp the creators. Scripture also says that Satan is the ruler of this world.
I think the "big problem" is that there is no evidence whatsoever to prove a creator at all, whether you think that creator is one god, plural gods, or a team of scientists from another civilization!
People have assumed that satan is only the ruler of the obviously criminal.
People have also assumed that Satan actualy exists despite lack of evidence, because the Bible says he does!
But if he constantly "transforms himself as an 'angel of light'" doesn't this mean this his appearance can be misleading? Is he not using the institutions of established religions to confuse and mislead people? Haven't you found religion to be a lot of confusion? Have you not found it to be misleading? Have you not found it to be a source of fear and control and other injustices?
I have never seen Satan make an appearance anywhere, let alone transform his appearance into anything, angel or otherwise. The only ones I see using religious institutions to mislead and control people are other people. I agree religion is a source of fear and control and injustice. Now that I see it for what is, I no longer find it confusing or misleading in the least. I think when one drops the content of the various stories of the world's religions, and looks at the process, it becomes very apparent exactly what they are about. No confusion in the least, on my part.
I don't think you are comprehending what I have said.The scriptures in Genesis say that our creators are plural.You are still viewing "god" as a singular and attributing creation to one deity.Our creators were plural. "let US make man in OUR image". It was at least a joint effort if not a team effort. I suspect it was likely a team of scientists from another civilization.
So, it's blasphemy to substitute buddhist concepts for God, but not to substitute him with a team of scientists?
Oh, I comprehend what you are saying. I just don't happen to see any evidence for its veracity. The "scriptures" hold no more weight with me than "Cinderella" and I am not viewing god as singular and attributing creation to any deity.
Did I forget to mention I am an atheist who believes in evolutionary biology? I must have forgotten and you assume much, both about the universe, the stories you read and the beliefs of others you have discussions with.
I'm trying to be all deep and profound here H.S. and you are cracking jokes!
Oh, where oh where is HS when I need a good wisecrack?
You seem to have an odd duality here. Not sure what you want? Or want to back out of a discussion?The thing is, many people enter a discussion thinking they must prove themselves right, or at least prove the other person wrong.The premise of a good discussion should not be based on right/wrong. What it should do is bring deeper questions to the surface.HS: < please insert wise crack here >
Life is full of odd dualities. I'm quite sure I want H.S. to contribute a witty wisecrack to all discussions I participate in and I'm also sure he understood my first feeble protest was not heartfelt, but tongue in cheek.
It's not that I want to "back out of a discussion". Many times, I think a good wisecrack has just as much, or even more value in shedding light on a topic than do a bunch of outlandish hypothesis without any evidence to back them.
I have no interest in proving you right or wrong. Your observations and assertions seemed to me to be full of shallow assumptions regarding buddhist philosophy and also gross assumptions of facts not in evidence regarding your own beliefs. My comments to you were only designed to encourage you to look more deeply at your own thinking process and logic.
Sometimes there can be an absolute resolution. But in many cases it requires much exploration before any resolution can be reached.
Now that comment, we can both wholeheartedly agree upon!
Did I forget to mention I am an atheist
So, it's blasphemy to substitute buddhist concepts for God, but not to substitute him with a team of scientists?
If you are an atheist, why would you find it necessary to substitute god at all?
cognizant dissident
Did I forget to mention I am an atheist
So, it's blasphemy to substitute buddhist concepts for God, but not to substitute him with a team of scientists?
If you are an atheist, why would you find it necessary to substitute god at all?
Again, you are making an assumption about me that is not correct. My question to you was "why do you say it is blasphemy to substitute buddhist concepts of "oneness" and "god is within you", for god, but you do not think it is blasphemy to substitute your own belief that the creator is a "team of scientists"? I do not understand your logic and how you arrive at your criteria for "blasphemy". I would also ask blasphemy against what? The traditional Christian concept of God? Blasphemy against the team of scientists you believe created us? I am truly not making the connection in logical sequence of thought here and that is why I asked the question.
Because I asked you a question about how you arrived at your beliefs regarding Buddhism, and your beliefs regarding "god", "creators" and "Jesus", you then procede to make an assumption that I am substituting buddhist concepts for God. If you re-read all my posts carefully, I never claim once to believe in god, nor do I ever claim to be a buddhist. In my first post I said I eschew labels, "ists" and "isms". If pinned down, I will say that I am an atheist, and I find some buddhist philosophies interesting and wise but I am not dogmatic about either of these viewpoints (as that is all they are). I would prefer not to label myself as such as I find they serve no useful purpose other than to allow other people to fit me into their own neatly defined little categories within their own belief system. That may be helpul for them to sleep soundly at night, but it really does nothing for me.