Parents with JW Adult Children Shunning Them - How Are You Coping ?

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Three adult kids, 4 grand kids. One I have fairly good contact with finally, one I saw 1.5 years ago for the first time in 5 years and the next it's been 6 years and I've never seen that granddaughter yet.

    The one who does talk is "spiritually weak" which means 'humanly strong' to me. Sadly, she sways and bends when the Governing Body blows their hot wind. I always know when the shunning is about to start up again -- by the advance notices I get here on JWD. Whenever the WT is about to lower the boom on 'independent thinking'...I steel my nerves against the coming storm and then the silence.

    How do I cope ? Sometimes...good, sometimes...not. But, I truly believe it takes a greater toll upon the shunners, as they are the ones who are going against "natural affection." They must, according to the WT, "kill" off apostates and non-believers in their minds and lives. When they do...they murder a part of their own hearts.

    On the "Will" thing...I just don't know what to do. Mostly, I think I'll leave them all equal parts withholding nothing, hoping that shock of getting something will cause them to question how they treated their Dad. Other times...when it really hurts I think about writing them out. Then, I think of how long *I* was 'a slave of the WT' and have empathy for them. After all, I'll be dead, can't take it with me and won't know what happens anyway.

    I hate what this religion has done to me and my family ...and all of yours, too.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the replies ! I never knew so many are going through this with their adult children shunning them. I'm with you in spirit !

    HOPIE- Wow! What an experience. I'm so glad you got your daughter back out of the witness cult ! That was so brave of you to do that ! I would love to read your book sometime . Thanks for your kind wishes ! I don't ever think I could do what you did by re-joining the witnesses - but it worked for you to save your daughter . Kudos to you .

    TREVOR- Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to try a little more varied efforts to get to my daughters. As you say - we need to be brave !

    QUANDRY- Hopies story certainly is amazing isn't it ?

    REGRETFUL_J- I'm sorry your parents are trying to guilt you into going to meetings . It is a common tactic used by witnesses. I'm happy for you that you went to college , and I hope you get that good job you were looking for. I agree that the shunning policies of the witnesses should get more media attention so people can see just how damaging it is ! How it destroys families.

    NOMOREGUILT- I feel your anger my brother ! I'm angry too ! I have been through similar injustices in the witnesses, and like you I feel that if my daughters don't return my calls soon _ I may have to take more proactive measures to protect my daughters from the " mind control" freaks .

    DAWG- You are right ! It is " emotional blackmail " ! Our families are trying to black mail us into how we should think- just to receive our affections. Love you too bro ! I'll let you know how it goes. But I'm going to get a lot more aggressive in my tactics to get them to listen to me. You have my sympathy as well bro !

    DEVILSNOK- It is very true that the organization definitely breaks families up and separates people forver . I'm so sorry that you and your mom drifted apart . It seems when a lot of time goes by - it is very difficult to get a close relationship back- once its been awhile. I hope you keep trying to reach out to your mom - someday she will appreciate just how much you are a loving, normal son.

    Good experiences everybody ! Hey, it's late and I didn't get much sleep last night. So I will answer each of you indivually in the morning tomorrow ! Take care, talk tomoorrow ! Peace out , Mr. Flipper

  • justhuman

    I share the same feelings like you do Mr Flipper. My daughter is shunning I wasn't allowed to attend to the wedding reception. My name was even wipped out from the wedding envitation. WT is EVIL cult that all I know. I haven't talked to them for 2 years, and they completely ignore my existence.

    I don't know how many we have similar stories to tell but the pain is great and has become part of our lifes...our crime is that we have followed our conscious and not a man made Cult living in New York.

    Each of us carry a sad story, and most of us will propably leave this workd without seing our children and the ones we love

  • flipper

    VINNY- Excellent post by you ! I'm so sorry you and your wife are shunned by your step son. It must kill you not to see your grandchild ! This witness cult is evil and I agree it just makes me want to go and kick some witness a$$ ! As you said I wish there was an outreach center to help these young ones who are feeling pressured to rejoin the witnesses just to get their families back. As Dawg said - it is emotional blackmail that the Watchtower society puts on people !

    LAISSEZ FAIRE- Very well put by you. I truly feel for you that your son and daughter in law shun you and your husband. I think you are doing the right thing by being authentic and loving trying to reach out to them. I truly hope that your son will respond some day. His wife sounds like a real piece of work. Can you imagine telling in-laws to " leave your son alone " ? Sounds like she needs to learn manners big time. It's so true that witnesses go out preaching peace and love to strangers in field service - but they don't show that peace and love to their own family ! I too will keep the door open to my daughters as you do to your kids.

    SAMMIE LEE- We have met in person and talked before and I do know you have an extremely tough situation you have had to endure. To go 5 years without talking to your son or daughters is insane behavior on not only your children's part- but even more insane that the witness organization controls them to think that way ! I do hope some day your children's situations change as I do my daughters. All we can hope for is that some way, somehow they will get stumbled by unjust treatment by somebody in the organization - or that something else happens which will make them question what they are being taught ! I will call you soon my bro ! Hope you and Mrs. Sammie are doing well friend.

    JAM- I'm so sorry you have gone through shunning. Especially from your daughter. I do hope things change. But I hear you - even if the organization changed their policy, there has been so much hurt already that could some of us forget ? Not likely, the damage has been done.

    WORLDY ANDRE- Exactly ! Honor thy father and mother ( unless they go against the organization ! ) Ridiculous.

    ANDERSON's INFO- Hello Barbara and Joe- Nice to hear from you and your experience. I am truly sorry that you as well have suffered the terrible loss of your son and grandchild in your life . My heart goes out to you too. And to me the bizarre thing about you and your husband's experience is that you are being shunned for doing just, righteous things in being advocates for abused children and coming to the assistance of those in need ! And the proof and evidence is irrefutable in the crimes that you helped expose in the Watchtower society ! And yet it is disrespected because many witnesses, including my daughters, your son, and others are more concerned about appearance to the public eye and saving the organization's face ( which by the way has gotten quite dirty the last few years ) than really acknowledging that true justice screams out to be recognized ! I am glad that you and your husband have pushed on in life and continue to find enjoyment in things like motorcycle riding . Hang in there sis - all we can hope is our children see through the veneer someday !

    JEHOVAHSHEEP- I too hope the WTS crumbles and my daughters will run to me too. One can only hope.

    RABBIT- I too feel that the JW relatives I have - nieces or nephews who are considered " spiritually " weak treat me with more authentic human kindness too. Unfortunately my daughters are " strongly entrenched " in the cult so I don't hear from them. You make a good point that they are the ones going against showing " natural affection " . They really are murdering their own hearts !

    JUST HUMAN- I'm sorry you didn't attend your daughters wedding reception, I didn't get to either. I was not allowed to walk either of my daughters down the aisle at their weddings. It really hurt. And we go through this because a bunch of old farts in New York tell our children to act this way towards us ? Now that my friend, is insane ! Hang in there bro ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Maddie

    Just seen this thread Mr. Flipper and I am coping well now because of my renewed faith in God, despite the damage caused by the borg. I will always love my son and granddaughter but leave it in God's hands now.


  • flipper

    MADDIE- I am glad my sis that you have found comfort in your newfound faith ! I do hope it continues helping you cope with the hurt you've experienced with your son. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Vinny

    With all the newbies signing up lately -- (thanks Simon) -- I thought I'd bump this one back to the top. A great read for anybody leaving the JW faith.


  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this thread up to encourage parents who have adult children shunning them. Interestingly enough , I see Vinny agrees

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