When those who wrote the scriptures command the readers and or believers to obey by command the two greatest commandments. You must love God, you must love your neighbor, etc. Are the writers of scripture understanding what the true meaning of free will is?
Are they negating free will by force of command and pain of punishment if you refuse to obey these commands?
How can one express her/his free will and disobey any command without pain of punishment.
Can the command to love someone be forced, thereby negating ones free will by using pain and suffering to gain that love if one does not obey.
If you follow the command and give up your free will not to follow it, is it really true love or fear of the penalty to come because you did not obey the command.
I feel strongly that no one can command the love of someone else. That love has to come freely and from the heart.
So, God, Jesus, the writers of scripture nor anyone else can force us to obey any commandment without inteferring with free will.
What are your feelings and thoughts about this?