Ever hear that little nugget of wisdom? You want to know why that's true?
Pioneers can't stave to death because the survival instinct will kick in before that happens and STOP them from pioneering before that happens! If someone is really facing starvation, then they'll go off the list. Even if they don't go off the list, given the choice between starvation and bugging people at their homes, any non-mentally-deficient human being is going to forage for food, first!
If someone says this to me, my answer is "so we should all work just enough to not starve to death? That doesn't sound like a good thing at all!"
"No Pioneer has ever starved to death"
by B_Deserter 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Of course they won't. The pioneers I have known that did not mooch off their family or brothers in the congo weer all on welfare. Fully healthy, young, employable men and women, some with children were living off the backs of tax payers and using government money to subsidize their ministry. All of them justified this by claiming that the system is dying and we have an obligation to milk it. Or something along those lines.
Miserable pieces of Sh*t.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Gotta be a little vague here... I worked on a couple of things where "the Lord will provide, Ps 37:25" was proposed as motivation for the sheeple. Another brother and I were very vocal about getting it removed since we were also working on projects where the facts showed that JWs in Africa and Europe had indeed starved or were starving to death.
B the X
I knew a family of Pioneers, the father did a few hours of window washing when he felt like it but never took home enough to support his 5 kids and as a result his family looked like a bunch of tramps. His children wore hand clothes and his wife clothes from a second hand store (Good job those worldly people that give their old clothes away believe in charity and actually do something for the poor than just give people "the truth")
They often took handouts from the brothers including myself. Although they were often praised from the platform for their "wonderful work" the general concensus was that they brought reproach upon Jehovahs name because of their dress and because Bob wouldn't work to support his family.
They might not physically starve, but they are stagnant. While usurping value, they do little or nothing that contributes in any way to society. And they are not learning anything--everything they are doing comes straight from the Washtowel Slaveholdery.
Of course, that doesn't stop them from dying of cancer in their 50s or early 60s.