"No Pioneer has ever starved to death"

by B_Deserter 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dozy

    Even the WTS has admitted that some witnesses , no doubt including pioneers , have starved to death.



    In 1944, seven brothers from one congregation in Bukovina refused to join the military and were sentenced to from three to four years’ imprisonment each. Four of them starved to death in prison. That same year five brothers from a nearby congregation were sentenced to ten years each in a Siberian prison camp. Only one of them returned home—the others died there... In the late 1940’s, many of the brothers from Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus starved to death in Soviet prisons

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Bethel needs it's martyrs

  • SirNose586

    Maybe not, but the most "zealous" one had to be abruptly removed from the list because she'd been negligent repaying her debts to fellow brothers. She wasn't working at the time, but I figured she was possibly getting money from alimony or child support. After she packed up her meager possessions and left town with no forwarding address--right in the middle of the CO's visit--the announcement was given a few weeks later.

    Apparently Jehoover doesn't automatically pay your bills when you stop working and pioneer.

  • passwordprotected

    You know when pioneers get interviewed and they say, "How could I ever justify to Jehovah stepping down as a pioneer?" [side-pedant-note; Eph 2 - 8 By this undeserved kindness, indeed, YOU have been saved through faith; and this not owing to YOU, it is God’s gift. 9 No, it is not owing to works, in order that no man should have ground for boasting. 10 For we are a product of his work and were created in union with Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to walk in them.]

    could starving to death be a justifiable reason?

  • NewYork44M

    Not starving to death is a pretty low threshold to define success.

  • MissingLink

    Just respond: "No apostate has ever starved to death". If they can make crazy claims, why can't we. Let them prove it wrong.

  • TopHat

    They depend on the kindness of family or strangers to feed them...cause the WTS isn't going to feed them or pay for their medical or dental expenses. WHAT A LIFE!

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