Zeroday, what do you mean by "death videos"? I don't want to Google it. I'm not sure if you mean violent gruesome death, or peaceful passings, or what -- it's hard to comment without knowing more of what you mean. In any case, like Hortensia I have witnessed death in person on numerous occasions, and have been surprised by how calm and peaceful it has been. I've never witnessed a violent death though, and don't want to.
Have you ever witnessed death first-hand, or only through these videos? I don't think it's sick to be interested in and curious about the idea of dying itself, but I'm not sure if that's what you're saying or if you're saying that you're fascinated by violent death, which to me is a different matter entirely.
I like watching death.............
by zeroday 43 Replies latest jw friends
My mother's death was not peaceful. She had septicemia. She was in coma and ran a fever over 105 for three days. She chainstoked and fought to the end for her life. She sweated blood. There was nothing peaceful about her passing. But once she let go and gave her last breath, a peace came over her that was beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes thinking of it. I don't know why she fought so hard. She was completely helpless by the time the end came, unable to do a thing for herself any longer and weighing 90 lbs. I believe she was afraid. Plain and simple. I feel she is at peace now. And my dad? From what I understand, he went peacefully in his sleep in his recliner. I am not sure why his was easier than hers.
I find that...interesting, Zeroday.
I'm probably 180 from that.
I understand death. I've seen far too many loved ones die to enjoy it though.
I've placed myself in situations that could have caused my death to save others.
I think I am willing to do that because it's easier for me to risk my life rather than watch others die.
I don't enjoy death.
I hate death and will not watch anything like what you are talking about.
My kids (when still good little JW teenagers) downloaded "Faces of Death". What they saw was so bad they still cannot get it out of their minds years later. --I actually believe it made them run to Jehovah at the time--. They told me about watching a man literally rape and then strangle a woman, all on that video.
I do not like even photos of people that have been killed.
Sure, it's gonna happen to me one day as well as all of us.
But that alone is enough for me.
I might like sweets and a nice fat steak sometimes. But it sure doesn't mean it's good for me.
Wanting to see people die sure cannot be good for anybody either. -
A sort of morbid fasination is kind of normal to a degree. Yet i would serously avoid looking at things, I know it can be addictive looking at shocking images, but its important to realise why you should avoid them.
You may be looking just to get a reaction from yourself, or whatever reasonsyou need to anylyse your feelings. Its sadly true, what you feed your mind on effects you.
I had a phase of looking at things like you are and I started having very intense nightmares...
Just try and draw a line under it. Dont get work up about it..
Its kinda of normal to slow down for a car acciddent... so everyone does.
:) im sure its just a phase! -
dont be THAT hard on yourself esp when u consider every single car slows down when they go by the scene of an accident to see the carnage
I know public executions used to be the rage. Most of the human race was illiterate as well then.
I'd like to think nowdays most slow down when approaching a serious accident to not become a victim themselves.
Lovers of death and carnage remind me that we naked apes haven't evolved as far as we sometimes think. Deevolved might be more appropriate at times.
Who would slow down at a scene of an accident to intentionally look at carnage?
Honestly, who? I've never known anyone to do it.
I don't think the majority of people who slow down for car accidents do it to see carnage. They do it out of shock and concern. We all go about our days everyday, mostly uneventfully. We are lulled into a sense of relative security. But when an accident happens, it's like a punctuation mark in our lives that makes us pause and remember that we are all mortals. Something we need to do once in a while.
You might think differently if in REAL life you've seen someone die.I was a Paramedic for ten years,I have seen children die,family's losing their mind over grief.I have scooped people of the
Highway,cut people down from Hanging themselves etc..,etc.. etc... I find it disrespectful to those who have passed to find pleasure in their passing.
Watch someone you love die and tell me if you found pleasure in that next time....This has got to be the Saddest Post I have seen on here yet,it even beats the Porn.
Another weirdo...................
A long time ago, a buddy I knew had a Faces of Death video and said it was cool. I think I watched the first two "incidents" and left the room. I said it was not something I wanted to put in my head or something like that. He grinned at me and said I was going to die so why be afraid of it, as if I had the problem. I said I know I'm gonna die dumbass but I don't get my kicks from watching other people die, you sick freak.
I'll never forget that conversation; my view of him changed after that.