Maybe you can get some help for that.
I like watching death.............
by zeroday 43 Replies latest jw friends
Well I have watched many of my loved ones die..none of them went peacefully, they all suffered. And I never want to see anyone else hurts too much. You feel so helpless. I watched my Mom and Dad die in the hospital and when hubby got sick I was determined to keep him home and I did. But it was terrible... he wanted to die at home and he did but it sure is hard on the caregiver ..
As far as stopping to see an accident, we did one time that I remember. I saw a car overturned in a ditch and the wheels were still turning.
I never would have saw it if the moon hadn't been full. It was dark but the moon reflected on the metal of the car.It turned out someone was still in it. The car was upside down and she couldn't move she said.I ran to the nearest phone and called the police while hubby stayed and talked to her...they sent a helicopter and finally pulled her out on a stretcher. I never found out how she was but I know she will forever be grateful to us for taking the time to turn around and check the shiny thing in the ditch out.
I don't think you're sick. Death is interesting to everyone whether they admit it or not. It is inevitable for us all. People are spellbound by the unknown. I was a Paramedic for 8 yrs. I watched people bring their KIDS to see some poor schmuck who got drunk and accidentally shot himself in the head being hauled away. I do think people have a "glad it's not me" attitude when it comes to seeing the accident on the road or other gruesome mutilations of the human body. People are concerned too. I think emotions run the whole gamut when it comes to death. There's curiousity, revulsion, sadness, fascination, etc. I got to the point that seeing violent death didn't really bother me after a while. It's was a protection for me. It wasn't that I didn't care. And I think that's the point. You may be interested in the process of death(afterall aren't medical examiners, forensics etc interested too?). I think what's important is that you don't lose your compassion for others.
That's just's a fascination. I still look at pictures of different "events" with clinical interest. I don't deny that. I don't do the films. I've seen enough in real life.
And as a faded JW, I have an interest on what might come after. I've opened my mind to other possibilities other than oblivion. <<could be a new interesting post.
And ya know something??? There's obviously a HUGE interest in that stuff or there wouldn't be so much of it on the net!