Does anyone remember this old tv preacher?

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I can't remember this guys name to save my life, but he used to crack me up late at night on CBAND Sattelite back in the early 1980s. He was sort of a Judge Roy Bean type of guy with gray hair and he would sit there and cuss and complain and and talk about how Enoch (He would call him EENICK) was the model for Christ. He used to give the funniest explanations and illustrations. Like how this old guy cut a hole in the ice to do some fishing and a polar bear scared him off and was digging around the hole for some fish. The old guy came around from behind the bear and kicked him in The ICE HOLE.....

    Anyone remember this old clown? Is he still alive?

  • david_10


    Yes, I remember him, but I can't think of his name either. He was quite a maverick. I used to watch him just for the entertainment value-------------------he put on quite a show.


  • VM44
  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Perhaps it was Gene Scott?

    That's him, By Gobs!


  • jaguarbass

    I used to watch him. He's entertaining like a Circus.

    One time he just sat on the t.v. and said he would not talk untill the people sent in so many thousands of dollars.

    It seems he is always begging for money and saying he is not begging for money.

  • dawg

    Now, that's my kind of religion.

  • ataloa
    One time he just sat on the t.v. and said he would not talk untill the people sent in so many thousands of dollars.

    I remember seeing this about 20 years ago; he was always saying "pick up the phone", and constantly relighting those expensive cigars.

    I think he's dead.

  • james_woods

    Yup - died around 4 or 5 years back. His hottie pornstar widowed-wife Melissa is still doing the broadcast.

  • LisaRose

    My personal favorite was Kathren Kuhlman (not sure of the spelling). " I BELEEEEEIIIIVE in Miracles... you know I do". So phony and staged it was gaggy. I read somewhere she always had a boy toy or two around. Pure snake oil saleswoman, but she was on TV in the 60's. You would have had to have a room temperature IQ to fall for that line of BS.

  • james_woods

    It was interesting to see that he had a very similar pyramid-math thinking to that of good old CTR...

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