Does anyone remember this old tv preacher?

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    I was more a Jan and Paul Crouch person. Wow! Such role models! TBN!


    Gene Scott, who had a PhD from Stanford University (he was no dummy) passed away after a long bout with cancer about three years ago. His wife, Melissa took over for him. She is much more pleasant on the eyes than the irracible Dr. Scott was, but lacks the depth. There is speculation that Melissa was a former porn starlet, named Barbi Bridges.

  • SirNose586

    Those shades are pimp, as is the hat.

    If he weren't dead I'd send him some money.

    No wait, maybe he can send some money to me, seeing as how he's a televangelist made man!

  • poppers

    Wow. It's a wonder he didn't die of a stroke.

  • VM44

    at the website, at the bottom of the main page there is written:

    Copyright © 2007 Pastor Melissa Scott. Dr. Gene Scott ® is a registered trademark name. Pastor Melissa Scott ® is a registered trademark name. W. euGene Scott Ph.D ® is a registered trademark name. All rights reserved.

    It is strange they felt they had to register their names as trademarks.

  • VM44

    Here is the wiki article about "Pastor Melissa Scott" that used to be online.

    Pastor Melissa Scott

    Pastor Melissa Scott, widow of Dr. Gene Scott, has taken over the Los Angeles University Cathedral after Dr. Scott died in February 2005 from terminal prostate cancer.

    Melissa Scott was born April 12, 1968, as Melissa Pauline Peroff in Italy. The family moved to Canada then to Massachusettes where Melissa met and later married Paul J. Pastore, an aspiring adult movie producer. The couple moved to North Hollywood and wed in Las Vegas in 1992 then began their work as pornographic producers and directors. Melissa performed as Barbie Bridges in adult photos and videos produced by Vivid Productions. The two formed Barbie Bridged Entertainment which has grown to an international producer and web producer of pornographic video movies featuring teen agers and every conceivable combination of erotic thrill.

    Melissa became coupled with Dr. Gene Scott in 1995 during his pony girl phase of paying models to attend his church in the front row, while requiring the rest of the audience to stand and give the ladies an ovation when they entered. Melissa was one of the group who vied for Dr. Scott's attentions and assets.

    In 1996, Melissa divorced Paul Pastore and Gene Scott divorced his second wife Christine.

    Some doubt the credibility of Dr. Scott's claims that Melissa spoke 15 languages and has an IQ of 186, particularly when Dr. Scott's doctors had to tell her to stop feeding Dr. Scott herbs which were interfering with his prostate cancer test results and treatment. Dr. Scott died of terminal prostate cancer in 2005.

    Controvery surrounds Pastor Melissa Scott as she hammers volunteers for free servitude, demands money to pray for callers and insists that those who have stayed in her church double and triple their monetary giving and time to help her make ends meet. This is amid court documents and reports that she has been liquidating cars, horses, and real estate that Gene Scott acquired through church donations, to buy herself a downtown L.A. swank condominium and further her own celebrity preacher and singing acclaim.

    Religious group watchers are baffled with her methods of banning loyals and harrassing newcomers for their time and money. While preaching to be a messenger and steward of Dr. Scott's teachings, Melissa Scott has removed the internet archived teachings Dr. Scott always make awailable for free.
    The new broadcast locations and times are filled with Mrs. Scott's novice sermons, replacing the classics of Dr. Scott.

    Recently, Pastor Melissa Scott raised eyebrows within her church by an about face plan to teach the prosperity doctrine, with a catch. It's prosperity for her church and the most loyal who have devoted their lives to it, not for the poor, homeless, meek, weak or disenfranchised.

  • wednesday

    I too used to sit up and watch this guy. What a hoot.

  • mustang

    I watched him, here, for years; he was local (next county over).

    Yes, he died ~4 years back. He had something of a remission on the prostate cancer, with PSA levels backing off. He was probably in the place where "watchful waiting" was a better plan anyway. I just noted today that the government is saying that for men over 75 (Scott was about that when he died) that current strategies are faulty in their reasoning. He was regularly showing his PSA test results on TV; I saw him mark another improvement a few days before he died.

    Anyway, local reports are that he had a coronary incident in the middle of all of this and that got him; so the guy that said stroke was close.

    Scott was eccentric, to say the least. But his scholarship was very good. In some ways, he took off where the JW's left off AT THE 1950's level of Bible Student theology. (Forget the organizational crud; stick to the manuscripts and critical thinking that WTS applied AGAINST "Christendom".

    Yes, WTS used "critical thinking" for a brief time until they realized it would backfire on them. Then they FROZE and ultimately demonized critical thinking and even personal Bible Study!!!)

    Sad to see that his widow has started serious regressions.

    Scott did well at flamboyant living and put AOG back on track, while taking his cut. He also amassed the LARGEST PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS, BIBLES AND SUCH IN THE WORLD.

    And, as mentioned, his sermons were excellent. The Sermons were very polished, insightful and choice TECHNICAL WORKS ON THEOLOGY; hers won't get to his standard, although she is working on his style. From what I hear reported in this thread, I think she is on the downward spiral.

    I believe that I eulogized him on this site.

    Hopefully, I archived enough of his material before it disappears.


  • mustang
  • mustang
    Also, I could "attend Church" w/out leaving my house. He griped, big-time, about that on the local TV channel

    Yes, I'm quoting myself. But this is what made it all worth it: not just irony, but DOUBLE IRONY!!!

    1) Scott didn't want everybody to go "TV attenders" on him, and...

    2) WTS feels the same way


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