Will we next be longing for freedom from choice? Will we rediscover necessity and reinvent destiny?
People do not seem to cope with the excessive "freedom" and information overloads they now have. Depression etc are as high if not higher than in the past. However, I cannot seem society wanting to limit these freedoms. Communism was a good example, and failed. People do not want 1 party, 1 brand of baked beans, even if choice causes stress. What I imagine will happen is we will evolve mentally/emotionally to learn to cope with the choices that we have.
Slightly off topic, I have wondered about countries with arranged marriages having a lower divorce rate. Do choice in partner lead to less happy marriages? Yet people I have spoken to from such backgrounds unilaterally say they would rather have choice. They have no choice in partner, but also no choice in divorce - the statistics do not reveal less choice means happier people.