Finish the divorce since you EX could make it an issue.
During this time however why don't you get started on pre-natal vitamins, drink lots of water, and make sure you are in good physical health in the exercise department. You can learn you body's natural patterns of fertility while you are waiting for the judge to sign off and pick which month you want your next bundle of joy to be born. You can start preparing your child for the re-marriage too, start daydreaming of color schemes and baby names, start stocking away diapers and onsies, maybe take you daughter to a dress shop and try on wedding and flower girl dresses together, a nice hope chest and keep it at the foot of your bed with all your collected items..... later once the Judge makes it official then you can be one of those brides who gets pregnant on her honeymoon.....
BTW I understand fully...... my internal baby desires are starting back up too.....but I won't be finished with school until next I am doing similar things as I have suggested to you above to help steady the desire to be pregnant again.... so far it is working some.