I sent an PM to Simon a few hours ago but you know those Canadians is there anyone else I can PM
by Wordly Andre 18 Replies latest jw friends
Wordly Andre
Free2 my cousin says hey back :-)
Free2 my cousin says hey back :-)
Um Ozziepost, Lady Lee, Jgnat, Angharad. I cant remember the other mods lol. Im not sure if Scully is still a mod here, havent seen her around much.
Good Luck, i hope you get it sorted so we can do a welcome to jwd thread.
scully is still a mod, and AK Jeff, too!!
Tell her we can't wait to meet her!!
Simon posted yesterday that he has temporarily disabled the feature to join until the HomoCrisis subsides.
Is that the right word?? Or is there a better that has already been selected for this current hijacking of board business?
I'll be back with the link...
Here's the link and the full quote:
Ok, there have been a few crazy things going on recently.
I made what I thought was a reasonable request for gay posters to stop hijacking topics by posting gay sex talk on totally unrelated topics and taking over the forum. This has been recognised by many people recently.
This request was met by someone posting some vile gay porn and over 30 insulting, threatening (to my family) and obscene accounts being registered. IMO it vindicates the decision and any subsequent treatment of those involved.
Other people then tried to debate the issue and make claims that gay people and discussions were being banned which simply wasn't true.
Some people were timed out because they pushed things way too far and were pushing an agenda designed to distort what the actual board policy was.
A few people then started to change avatars to images of homosexual activity and some sort of pro-gay flag and start threads supporting people who had been timed out which I see as a deliberate confrontational act.
I am sure that many of the posts made and things people have said are because they are not fully aware of what other people have been doing and have not seen the images, threats etc ...
As it stands now, I have locked several topics and made enough announcements that people know the rules and what is going on and why. I have temporarily disabled registration to stop the plethora of duplicate accounts being created. Some people have been timed out and may be reactivated in a few days when things have calmed down and returned to normal.
I have lost my temper because of what I see as the stupidity or malicious activity of a few people which I apologise for. I do not apologise for how I have treated them though - IMO people forfeit any right to post when they play silly games.
I hope the forum can return to some normality.
Be assured that whatever "show of solidarity" or other nonsense people want to carry out it will not alter the policy that I have decided on so either love it, learn to live with it or leave.
JW related gay issues will continue to be discussable (is that a word?) on JWD and gay posters will be as welcome as anyone else. Anyone posting gay, straight, midget or other porn, chat or whatever and trying to hijack unrelated topics will find their posts being removed and their ability to post restricted. No, we are not deleting you because you are gay ... we are deleted you because you are being a complete idiot, nothing more.
BOLD & Large font added by Aude. The red lettering is as it appear in the original post.I hope your cousin will be patient and try registering when things settle down.
Do not run ahead of Simon's glorious chariot!
Wordly Andre
I'd tell her to forget it because Simon is shutting this place down.