Music Concerts/ Groups / Singers You Have Seen Perform ? Your Take on Them
by flipper 68 Replies latest jw friends
Well- I see I hit the submit key too soon ! Hide my head in shame now ! Anyway what performers have you seen or concerts have you been to ? Here are a list of mine and my takes on them !
Moody Blues - Saw 3 times in 1988, 1989, and 1993. They were great then - I don't know about now . But great classic rock !
Paul McCartney and his band - Birthday gift from my son in 2005 ! Best show I ever went to ! 3 and a half hours ! Great performer -very nice.
Ottmar Leibert- 1993 A great flamenco guitarist with lots of percussion instruments too !
Buddy Guy- Best blues guitarist performance I've seen ! He walked into the audience playing and singing to people individually !
B.B. King- Great blues played by an old master . Saw him and Buddy Guy at the same show in 2002 !
Charlie Musselwhite - A great blues harmonica player ! Saw in 2006.
Joe Louis Walker - A really good blues guitarist and singer. Very innovative ! Saw in 2007
John Lee Hooker- Saw him in 1998 before he died. What a great deep voice and performer ! Lucky to have seen him.
So these are some bigger names I have seen in concert ! What about you folks ? All u-tubes welcome as well ! Look forward to seeing who you have seen perform ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper
I can name the concerts I've been to on one hand....Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, late last year. Earth Wind & Fire and Chicago, 2005. There was an outdoor block-party-like concert event from 98.1, that was probably the same year or before....uh.....can't remember the rest.
Sir Nose- Earth , Wind and Fire, and Chicago- cool ! I bet it was good ! Hope you get to go to more sometime ! Live music is great for the soul ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Goodness - Mr. Flipper, I've been lucky to have seen a few, but the two that come to mind as absolutely awesome live - surpassing their studio work in expertise and srtistry - were:
Boston (shortly before Brad Delp's death, with Fran Cosmo and Brad singing together)
Def Leppard (current line-up)
Back in the 80's: Elton John
Other very competent performances by Styx, Howard Jones, Acoustic Alchemy, Dan Fogelberg, Ottmar Liebert, Heart, Roy Orbison, Alan Parsons...
Some bands that missed the mark, either due to lack of ease together or something just not gelling: current line-up of Foreigner, ... well, that's the only one that comes to mind that didn't "wow" me. I generally love the electricity of a live performance, the nuance and inspiration of the moment, but sometimes I miss it, it's just not there for me...
Octarine Prince
Tom Petty
The Who
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
No Doubt
Michael Hedges
Michael Manring
Greg Howard
various other less famous people, some who I have played with -
I have seen a few, but my favourite live band of all time....Bad Manners.
You probably have never heard of them on your side of the pond, but they defined a generation in the early 80's Britain.
I have never seen a band enjoy the crowd as much as these.
This is their most famous song all those years ago
And this is them live
Why has my font turned red?
VOIDEATER- Very good groups you have been able to see ! Great ! I really liked Alan Parsons Project, Ottmar Leibert, Styx, and I have a lot of Acoustic Alchemy as well ! They are great new age / jazz guitarists ! I bet Elton John was great to see too ! What a legend. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Blue Oyster Cult, in the 70's with Uriah Heep!! woohoo they were great
Rod Stewart,
Willie Nelson
Jan and Dean!!!
Eric Clapton
Dave Matthews Band twice!
Robert Randolf Band
John Kilzer
John Mayer
Michael Buble
Moody Blues
Bonnie Raitt
Ted Nugent
seeing Wilco tomorrow night.
If I think of more I will let you know,
Only ones I have seen are ELO and Tom Jones...ELO was the first time I encountered that "Burnt rope smell"..I kept waiting for the police to bust the arena but ...Course I was just starting to break away from the JWD hold and still had that Puritan conscience...I got a buzz just being in the audience..
I just missed seeing Elvis before he died. A friend had an extra ticket and wanted me to go but my JW hubby didn't think it
was a good idea...Something I will always regret.