I've been reacquainted with a bunch of my relatives. They actually had a gathering just for me!!! It was awesome! I have many more worldly friends now and just in general feel a lot happier and content.
I'm still going to a lot of the meetings, however; hubby has come a LONG way!!! I don't even remember the last time we even got into an argument. I will be celebrating the holidays for the very first time in my life and my hubby is fully aware of this. Really, I believe he goes because he likes his friends. I go simply because I like to be around him. He fully knows my feelings on it though. I think we have come to a really happy medium that works for us.
I've stopped drinking altogether and even eat healthier.
My JW family still irritates me a lot with there stupid comments... However, I only spend so much time with them to begin with.
Well, that's about it. Any good gossip?