Hey Everyone... Heard Somebody Was Asking About Me. So Here's My Update...

by cognac 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I've been reacquainted with a bunch of my relatives. They actually had a gathering just for me!!! It was awesome! I have many more worldly friends now and just in general feel a lot happier and content.

    I'm still going to a lot of the meetings, however; hubby has come a LONG way!!! I don't even remember the last time we even got into an argument. I will be celebrating the holidays for the very first time in my life and my hubby is fully aware of this. Really, I believe he goes because he likes his friends. I go simply because I like to be around him. He fully knows my feelings on it though. I think we have come to a really happy medium that works for us.

    I've stopped drinking altogether and even eat healthier.

    My JW family still irritates me a lot with there stupid comments... However, I only spend so much time with them to begin with.

    Well, that's about it. Any good gossip?

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Nah.....Nothing much happening around here really......

  • SirNose586

    Wow, sounds like you've got your affairs in quite good order! I'm very happy to hear of your good fortune!

    Ummmmm....dunno what to tell you except for the Rainbow Rebellion that Simon had to quash......

  • yknot

    I am so happy to hear things are smoother sailing for yall...... a step forward no matter how small is better then a step backward!

  • cognac
    Rainbow Rebellion

    Are you referring to the gay threads? lol

    Come on guys, you haven't gotten the BORG to fall yet??? Your all slacking! lol

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I am really glad to hear this ! I'm so happy you had a great time at your non-witness relatives ! Aren't real people who act like real humans fantastic ! ? I truly believe if you and your husband strike out on your own and minimize contact with JW relatives who want to cause division in your home - you guys will continue great strides in making your happiness last ! I wish you the best ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gopher


    I'm really happy for you. Things seem to have sorted themselves out well, and you deserve it. I missed your posts, but am glad you were doing what you really wanted with friends and family who love you. There is life beyond the J-dubs, and even beyond this board! But the board does help as a stepping-stone, I'd say.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Yeah, Team Rainbow showed strong.

    You are 100% from a few weeks ago. That is great.

  • cognac
    Aren't real people who act like real humans fantastic ! ?

    There awesome!!! I love them so much!

    I truly believe if you and your husband strike out on your own and minimize contact with JW relatives who want to cause division in your home - you guys will continue great strides in making your happiness last !

    I agree. I still want a somewhat of a relationship with my family, but not to much because allowing them in purposely allows pain in...

  • cognac
    But the board does help as a stepping-stone

    This board has helped me immensely! I don't know what I would have done without it! Thanks Gopher!

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