Hey Everyone... Heard Somebody Was Asking About Me. So Here's My Update...

by cognac 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    I was wondering about you myself. Any more talk about moving? I thought you may have moved already.

    BTW, the shopping trip this weekend may be cancelled, summer season and most have other plans.

  • cognac
    shopping trip this weekend may be cancelled

    j/k ok. I haven't moved yet... Putting it off a bit, cause I just got reaquinnted with all my relatives I want to spend some time with them before I go run off somewhere, lol

  • Robert7

    Great to hear all is well!!!

  • hubert

    Well, Cognac, seems you are doing everything right !! I'm so happy for you and your hubby.

    Keep on doing what your doing, and soon your hubby will be right beside you, every step of the way.

    I went shopping last month. I was looking for you in the coffee shop. Maybe next month I'll get to meet your hubby there?

    Don't push it, though.

    Glad to hear all the great news. Give all your "worldly" relatives a hug from all of us.


  • jaguarbass

    Well, that's about it. Any good gossip?

    I suspect Simons going to close the board down.

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