I think it was Jan who made pretty clear the DNA proof of the common ancestry of men and apes. I know that some said in that thread that they could come up with other explanations for that information. But ideas and explanations that are simply pulled out of thin air are really meaningless without any corroborating evidence.
I was reminded of a couple of discussions I had with the elders before leaving the Witnesses. I told them about the evidence that shows without question that a worldwide flood 4000 years ago was an impossiblity. They simply said, in typical Watchtower fashion, that they could give other explanations for this evidence, ones that jived with their beliefs. I told them that their thinking made no sense - that coming up with hypothetical "well this could have happened" with no evidence was essentially worthless speculation.
If evolution has no basis in fact, try to find a reputable university anywhere in the world where the sciences are taught without reference to evolution. Evolution is simply an accepted scientific fact in labs the world over - whether for education or business or research. And again - it has nothing to do with a belief in a creator.
I happen not to believe in a God. I would love to be proven wrong. The one thing I am certain of is that if there is a God, he's nothing like the mythological Jehovah I worshipped for 35 years of my life. I just hope if there is a god out there, he/she/it has a goddamn good explanation for things, cause the one's I've heard so far sure suck!!